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Ubuntu and SSH

Today we will give you a few important comand lines for your next SSH session you will need one day when you run your own server. Let's cut the text and get straight to work.Run updates for Ubuntusudo apt-get ...

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HelpDesk 1.9

We are happy to announce the availability of HelpDesk 1.9. We could have called it version 2.0 because we have changed over 150 files, but not yet.Chat and tickets are now sorted and searched via datatables, ...

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Live Chat 3

We are proud to announce the release of Live Chat 3. All files have been changed, completely redesigned, easier to use embed code (no jQuery), Bootstrap 4, IOS Smilies and optimised to the last bit of code.The ...

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Live Chat 3.0.3

Get you hands on one of the biggest release yet. We have included all the features you have requested plus much much more!We have included a public or password protected group chat in Live Chat 3 with up to 50 ...

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Live Chat 3.0.4

Today is a great day! With the release of Live Chat 3.0.4 we also release the official Android Native App that works together with your very own Live Chat 3 installation.We have spent the last couple of Months ...

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Live Chat 3.0.5

Live Chat 3.0.5 is now officially available with iOS app support, improved rest api, faster chat and many bugs have been fixed.Change log iOS App is here Improved rest api for mobile apps Inform ...

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Cloud Chat 3 - Version 2.1

We have released Cloud Chat 3 - Version 2.1 which includes various new features and fixes all reported bugs in the live chat and administration panel. Run the Auto Updater for the Live Chat Server and replace ...

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HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.5

HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.5 is finally available!It has been a very long process and it was harder then we thought. There has been so many requests and ideas for this major release, we could not resist to build ...

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Cloud Chat 3 - Version 2.5

Happy June and Happy New Cloud Chat 3. We finally finished the new release for Cloud Chat 3, Version 2.5 has a complete rebuild of everything.The last update was back in October and you had to wait a long time ...

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We would like to inform you about using our software without a license. We started developing live chat and support software back in 2009, one off the first offering a self hosted live chat solution that runs ...

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WebSocket - PHP Daemon as Server (Debian)

To run the PHP Socket Server as a service we created a bash script for Debian / Ubuntu and it should also work on other linux based server with slight modifications.The bash script:#! /bin/sh### BEGIN INIT ...

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HelpDesk - Client Api

HelpDesk has a great client api integrated. You can integrate this into your own website where your client create a user or change their data or delete their user profile. You need curl installed on your ...

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Buttons - Client Chat

Live Chat has many ways to display the live chat for the client. You can also upload your own image or use a simple link and do almost anything you want with it.Slide UpThe slide up can be displayed in the ...

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Auto Update Errors

Our build in Auto Updater gives you the possibility to update your JAKWEB Software with a click. What do you need to know about Auto Updater.Auto Updater needs to have at least: cUrl file_get_contents ...

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LC3 - Operator Permission Levels

Live Chat 3 has more than 15 permission levels for each operator. There is the super operator which is defined in the include/db.php file, this user has access to everything and cannot be deleted. Leads ...

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HelpDesk 3 - Api

Please use the API V2 for new HD3 versions.HelpDesk 3 has a great client api integrated. You can integrate this into your own website where your client create a user or change their data or delete their user ...

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Operator Ticket View

Short illustration for the operator ticket view. On top you have a statistics about all the tickets you have access to. You can sort tickets, each row can be sorted and of course you can search for tickets. ...

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Email to Tickets (PHP IMAP)

With HelpDesk 3 it is possible to fetch one or multiple emails accounts and convert them into tickets.IMPORTANT: Use a unique email address for the PHP IMAP, do not use this email address anywhere else or in ...

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Event/Task Calendar

Since HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.1 a task or event calendar is available for the dashboard. Set unlimited events on the calendar for you and your operators.You cannot only create, edit, move, delete events it is ...

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Cloud Desk 3 - API for Clients

CloudDesk 3 has a great client api integrated. You can integrate this into your own website where your client create a user or change their data or delete their user profile. You need curl installed on your ...

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Avarats issue

I have a bug report and a question.1. I described it in the screenshot - How to edit or totally delete the default avatars?

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Custom Template

Hi Jerome,I need creating custom template. I have website and I want to implement your CMS.CUSTOM TEMPLATE without STYLESHEET (I don't want styleswitcher)1. Step - Creating new template from ...

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CMS 1.5 - FAQ plugin

Hi Jerome,other bug, now in FAQ plugin.If I create a sub-category in main category, so than then you can not delete a subcategory from main category.Error massage is:'Could not find or does not exist'

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CMS 1.5.1 - Blog bug 3

BLOG pluginConditions:- Blog Access (YES) and Can post comments (YES)  and Can delete own comments (YES) for a selected user groupProblematic situation for move comments to trash:Item Can delete own ...

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CMS 1.5.2 - TinyMCE

Jerome, I have big problem and I don't know what I do it.I found small bug in TinyMCE editor.My website works on your CMS.It Is very good.TinyMCE has problem with insert this ...

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Deleting a contact registry

I was trying to delete a contact from the contact list history, and I got this error:DB ErrorMessage:MySQL Query fail: DELETE FROM sm_contactsreply WHERE convid = 1MySQL Error:Unknown column 'convid' in 'where ...

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Installation Error

Hi, I run installition and i get error Please delete or rename install folder then i fixed it.After then i run it , get error again Table setting does not exist. System try to get some data from database but ...

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Improvement and Questions

Hey,Had some feedback for improvements and a question.Questions:Since the 1.8.2 update the software is logging me out super fast and 'remember me' doesn't seem to work (yes my browser accepts cookies). Any ...

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remove / add slider video link

Hi, J, I have tried to find out how do i reove the video link / box from home slider ( slider 3 ) i woud like to delete it or add a pic instead Thanks.

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CMS - Plugin Blog uninstall.php

Fix bug in Plugin Blog - uninstall.php$jakdb->query('DELETE FROM tagcloud WHERE tag = ' . smartsql($row['tag']) . '')$jakdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'tagcloud WHERE tag = ' . smartsql($row['tag']) . ...

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