Support Tickets - Custom Template

Custom Template

CMS 17.11.2015 2865 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes bluesatkv

Hi Jerome,

I need creating custom template. I have website and I want to implement your CMS.

CUSTOM TEMPLATE without STYLESHEET (I don't want styleswitcher)

1. Step - Creating new template from original

This is in FAQ. It is simple.

2. Step - change preview image

I change image in root of my template ('tempate/bluesat').

3. Step - uninstall.php

File for uninstal Bluesat template. I change this from

$jakdb->query('DELETE FROM '.DB_PREFIX.'setting WHERE product = "tpl_jakweb"');


$jakdb->query('DELETE FROM '.DB_PREFIX.'setting WHERE product = "tpl_bluesat"');

4. Step - install.php

I remove all value in 'Insert tables into settings' without last row.

Last row is for information about template instalation

("cms_tpl", "bluesat", "1", "1", "yesno", "boolean", "tpl_bluesat")');

other value is only for styleswitcher.

Bluesat template v1.0 is in

Jerome, step 1 - 4 is OK or not?

Replies (16)

  • avatar Jerome

    Step 1-4 is correct.

    I would still use the styleswitcher, it is easy to understand and will give your template much more options!

    Now there are few more steps.

    5. Find jakweb and replace with bluesat. Make sure you search and replace case sensitive.

    6. Rename the file js/jakweb.js into js/bluesat.js

    7. Modify all the files to your needs.

    17.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv


    Styleswitcher is very good idea, I know, but I don't want sytelswitcher laughing

    How can I remove links to show/hide styleswitcher in admin panel 'Generally settings > Template > Preview Template' ?

    I think that will be it problem remove.

    17.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I apologise for the late reply.

    That is a bit more tricky because it is part of the CMS to have styleswitcher. At the moment it is not possible to remove it, but we have added a feature for 1.4 that it looks for the styleswitcher.php file if it does not exist it won't show the button.

    18.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    ----I apologise for the late reply.----

    No problem, many thanks for your support. You are perferct developer :-)

    I'll have a lot more questions laughing I hope you will not be upset to me.

    I want to learn to work with your CMS.

    8. Step - custom definition of values during installation

    I remove styleswitcher, but I need to define the location "sidebar" on the left side. Define location is permanet for meny pages. I know it.

    In 'install.php' is row

    ("sidebar_bluesat_tpl", "bluesat", NULL, NULL, "input", "free", "tpl_bluesat"), 

    I think that I need this

    ("sidebar_bluesat_tpl", "bluesat", left, left, "input", "free", "tpl_bluesat"), 

    But this entry is bad. Can you please advise me the proper entry?

    18.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    It should be:

    ("sidebar_bluesat_tpl", "bluesat", "left", "left", "input", "free", "tpl_bluesat"),

    That should work fine.

    18.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    Sorry Jerome,

    Yesterday MySql reported bug. Today works perferct. Sorry

    18.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    I am beginning to understand the logic of your system. CMS from you is really amazing editable. Today I tested Admin panel on my HTC and works prefect too.

    18.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv


    I have other question.

    1. Question - custom solution Navigation for mobile

    I have Porto template with responsive design. Porto have custom solution with responsive technology. I don't want use responsive Menu which included in 'footer.php' - div class="sb-slidebar sb-left".

    But I have ony small problem in Navbar. Each category must have a link to some page. But Porto in dropdown menu use anchor link '#'. If I use category without own page, this category is hidden in Navbar.

    How can I use CMS for creating main category with anchor link '#'. I use custom Jquery script or exist another solution?

    19.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    I found solution -> "External Link" in category works. Thanks.

    19.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I know the porto template quite well, the idea is to modify the navigation from Porto so it works with CMS. Do not use the navigation for the one page style use links for the navigation.

    With 1.4 it is super easy, you just need to add the classes and the menu will be generated automatically.

    I hope that article will help you to understand the menu builder within the templates.

    19.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    Jerome, Menu builder works perfect laughing

    21.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv


    New idea

    I don't know How can I set 'favicon'. You can add this settings e.g. Admin Panel > Home > Site?

    21.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Favicons are just need to replaced on the server, after replacing the the file you need to empty your browser cache.

    21.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    OK, thanks

    21.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv


    ... stupid question, but I don't know.

    Image for category not work if category is in footer. Image works perfect, If category is in header. I tested on 'sitemap'.

    21.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Bug confirmed, will be fixed within the next release.

    Thank you very much!

    *** Ticket closed ***

    22.11.2015 0