Support Tickets - CMS 1.5.2 - TinyMCE

CMS 1.5.2 - TinyMCE

CMS 08.12.2015 3136 Feedback Status: Open Solution: No bluesatkv

Jerome, I have big problem and I don't know what I do it.

I found small bug in TinyMCE editor.

My website works on your CMS.It Is very good.

TinyMCE has problem with insert this tag:

<label>Zpráva *</label>
<textarea maxlength="5000" rows="10" class="form-control" name="message" id="message" required></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Odeslat zprávu" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg mb-xlg" data-loading-text="Odesílání...">

after first saving is 'input' out form TinyMCE container and after second TinyMCE delete this 'input'.

I read more article, but I have not any ideas?

Do you have any idea please?

Replies (20)

  • avatar Jerome

    For what do you need a form for? You should use the contact forms which you can link to any page you like.

    Using a form doesn't give you anything in tinyMCE because the back end will not understand it.

    Btw CMS 1.5.3 is available through Auto Updater.

    08.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    OK, but I want custom form.

    I think that solution for me will be it here

    I tested tommorow. Thanks for 1.5.3.

    08.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    We have already created a Bootstrap Plugin which is included in CMS. But again even if you have a form the back end process will be missing, means you will never receive the information send with the form. With the build in contact form builder there are no limits in elements and fields.

    09.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    We will check if we can build in a advanced editor within the next major release and you can switch between tinymce and the advanced one.

    09.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    tinyMCE Bootstrap Plugin is interesting, but not work for my situation. Many thanks for your ideas.

    09.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    I testing TinyMCE in some provider and works for adding tag <form> and other.

    Test page:

    Services: inPage DEMO

    Password: 7FAF4FBDAF


    Select english language and go to 'Last edited articles' -> 'Test' in main page.

    There is TinyMCE Editor which works perfect.

    14.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I think you don't understand, sending a form needs a back end processor. Yes you can build forms with tinyMCE but the form will never be send (except you build a processor in the back end).

    That's why we have the contact form builder.

    I hope you understand now.

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    I uderstand very well. But problem isn't in TinyMCE. Problem is in loading content from database to textarea.

    On this problem, I came in conjunction with the Form. Form is only example. Main problem is in loading content to textarea.

    And reaction to your word .....

    Custom contact from on content of page. It is very simple and works very very good. There is problem only with loading to textarea from database. laughing

    If the fix function of loading data into textarea, all will be it works perfect. Contact form builder isn't solution.

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Website is looking good! Textarea into Textarea that might be a bit difficult.

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    @Website is looking good!

    Thanks. Your system is very very logic, quick and perfectly controllable. After 30min I prepare some test and image for better understanding.

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    Test no.1

    Source code Textarea in 'admin/template/editor_edit.php'

    <textarea name="jak_content" class="form-control jakEditor1" id="jakEditor1" rows="40"><?php echo jak_edit_safe_userpost($JAK_FORM_DATA["content"]);?></textarea>


    Tiny.init - out

    Problem is loading data from databases which containt tag 'textarea'

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    Test no.2

    Source code Textarea in 'admin/template/editor_edit.php' => load to div, than replace to textarea

    <div name="jak_content" class="form-control jakEditor1" id="jakEditor1" rows="40"><?php echo jak_edit_safe_userpost($JAK_FORM_DATA["content"]);?></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    // save the html within the div
    var divHtml = $("#jakEditor1").html();
    // create a dynamic textarea
    var editableText = ($('<textarea />').attr({ id: 'jakEditor1', name: 'jak_content', class: 'form-control jakEditor1', rows: '40'}));
    // fill the textarea with the div's text
    // replace the div with the textarea
    // editableText.focus();


    Tiny.init - out

    Data from databases which containt tag 'textarea' are OK. Source code is OK.

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    Test no.3 - (test no.2 withi Tiny.init - on)

    Source code Textarea in 'admin/template/editor_edit.php' => load to div, than replace to textarea

    <div name="jak_content" class="form-control jakEditor" id="jakEditor" rows="40"><?php echo jak_edit_safe_userpost($JAK_FORM_DATA["content"]);?></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    // save the html within the div
    var divHtml = $("#jakEditor1").html();
    // create a dynamic textarea
    var editableText = ($('<textarea />').attr({ id: 'jakEditor1', name: 'jak_content', class: 'form-control jakEditor1', rows: '40'}));
    // fill the textarea with the div's text
    // replace the div with the textarea
    // editableText.focus();


    Tiny.init - on

    Data from databases which containt tag 'textarea' are OK. Source code is OK, saving data OK, loading data OK.

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I know the problem if you like to do that and we have a workaround in the admin/template.php file.

    $displaycontent = preg_replace('</textarea>', 'JAK-DO-NOT-EDIT-TEXTAREA', $filecontent);

    I can't help you any further because it really goes into custom modifications, I hope you understand.

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    Loading data from databases throught ajax isn't good. First solution is loading data to 'div' and than replace 'div' to 'textarea'

    I think it would be better to modify loading data via AJAX. Solution throught 'script' is an emergency situation laughing

    Jerome, understand me please?

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    @I can't help you any further because it really goes into custom modifications, I hope you understand.

    No problem for me. Send me please price or write me what can I pay please. I need to be adjusted. Money isn't problem. Your system is very good for my bussines plans.

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I think I still don't understand what you like to achieve with your form within the tinyMCE editor.

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    Custom form, custom validation, custom language in form, custom template for CMS Bootstrap 3 laughing

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    Jerome, Now I have pay plan for you:

    In December It should be adjusted TinyMCE. Next I need:

    - implementation ACE Editor (is very good)

    - fix some bug in plugin

    - create Wiki Plugin

    Next I need:

    - create intranet only for admin

    Pay no problem for me.

    15.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    We are already experiment with Ace editor, we will see how we can build it in so it works in a optimised way. We have already fixed some bugs in the plugins, please create a ticket maybe they are already fixed.

    15.12.2015 0