About JAKWEB 23.02.2017 3706
Get you hands on one of the biggest release yet. We have included all the features you have requested plus much much more!
We have included a public or password protected group chat in Live Chat 3 with up to 50 clients at the same time, nowehere else you will find this feature within a professional Live Chat / Support solution.
More information about the integrated public group chat can be found in our FAQ.
But that is not all, we have implement holiday mode, group messages that are in the same minute (client side), client desktop notifications and improved the overal behaviour of the chat with less sql queries and improved design.
The list is long and over 120 files have been updated, removed or added. The biggest update for Live Chat 3 so far.
We have made the update even easier for you. Should your server not support our Auto Updater you can download the package from our download area and inside you will find a folder called 3.0.3. You will need to upload the content from this folder and run the install/update.php wizard, done (only if you run 3.0.2).
With any update please Backup your files and database before you update, please read the update.txt file in the update folder!
Not a customer yet? You get the best Live Chat / Support solution in our shop.
Thank you for your reports, feedbacks and trust in our software. We are looking for the next major release which will include the rest api to connect to the IOS and Android native app.