HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.5
About JAKWEB 05.01.2020 3781
HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.5 is finally available!
It has been a very long process and it was harder then we thought. There has been so many requests and ideas for this major release, we could not resist to build everything into our HelpDesk.
The first release of HelpDesk launched more than 7 Years ago, a lot has been changed since then. We are now at Version 3.5 and it was again a great pleasure to build something from the future.
We went through each file, folder, image and function and added, improved and changed almost everything. We had to change the release date about 5 times, but we think it was worth the wait.
Now usually the change log has a few lines, this one however has few more...
- Brand new operator design
- More detailed Statistics for each operator
- Added many statistics to each individual page
- Build a complete log and security feature
- FontAwesome 5 Pro Icons
- Two ways of managing tickets, the classic way or with a due date
- Ticket response time
- Ticket solved time
- Ticket Merge
- Ticket Merge answers contain link to old / merged ticket
- Ticket Split
- Send ticket and close it
- Turn off Ticket rating
- Operator CC Field in Tickets
- Create ticket from chat conversation
- Ticket answer e-mail in the content editor instead of Yes and No
- Live Chat in the front end selectable via settings
- Show offline image for slide up and button on hover in the operator panel
- Fixed PHP Imap Attachments
- Changed standard proactive icon alarm_on, make is selectable in the operator settings
- Theme Color for back end can be selected from the user profile
- Menu extended can be selected from the user profile
- Reset avatar for clients
- Choose how many blog/faq items per page in the settings
- Improved Group Chat
- Added a send button to the operator chat
- Fix front end and flex box from FAQ and Blog Articles
- Datatable update
- Database Class update
- Bootstrap 4 update
- Tons of bug fixes and other improvements
First think about a backup!!! When you have a backup of your Database and Files you can proceed with the update. :)
This is a major release, therefore you will need to update manually. Don't worry you can keep all your data, but you might loose your custom modifications.
Please follow the update guide very carefully, you will also be asked to enter your license key after the update when logging into the Operator Panel, keep it ready!
- Backup your database
- Backup your files
- Unpack the brand new HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.5
- Open your FTP Program (do not use cPanel or any other panel for uploading the files)
- Browse to the directory you have installed HelpDesk 3
- Go inside the 3.5_complete folder on your computer and select everything except (cache and files)
- Overwrite the folders and files on your server with the content of the 3.5_complete folder
- Wait until everything has been uploaded correctly
- Open your browser and visiting following URL: (yourdomain and helpdesk3 is something you will need to change)
- Follow the on screen guide, that will update the database!
- After you receive a success message you can delete the complete install directory on the server
- Finally login with your credentials and check that everything is working!
Please login with your account and head to our support area.
Not a customer yet? Get your own Helpdesk 3 license once and use it for life.
Thank YOU
We would like to thank you once again for the great feedback and enjoy the latest release for the most complete support solution available.