Live Chat 3

Live Chat 3

About JAKWEB 23.11.2016 4443

Live Chat 3

We are proud to announce the release of Live Chat 3. All files have been changed, completely redesigned, easier to use embed code (no jQuery), Bootstrap 4, IOS Smilies and optimised to the last bit of code.

live chat 3

The minimum requirements for Live Chat 3 are higher, therefore Live Chat Business 2.7 will be maintained (bug fixes only). Find the minimum requirements for Live Chat 3 in our FAQ. Before upgrading to Live Chat 3 make sure your server meets the minimum requirements.


  • Improved Operator Panel
  • Push Notifications for mobile phones via Pushover
  • Smilies like IOS
  • Each message can now be quoted, deleted, copied, starred
  • Only load new messages in the chat
  • Bigger chat window
  • Optimised MySQL queries and amount again (-60%), now only load what is neccessary.
  • Simpler file upload
  • Each operator has more information about the client and it can be edited when chatting
  • Removed Google Map, added Leaflet.
  • Search messages when chatting, useful in long chat conversations.
  • New client widget does not rely on jQuery anymore pure Vanilla Javascript
  • Manage each chat widget from the operator panel
  • Combined a lot of AJAX files
  • Delete chat buttons from operator panel
  • Upload and delete slide up images from operator panel
  • Improved agent recognition
  • Set the confirm and cancel text for the auto proactive / engage window
  • Knowledgebase iframe
  • Data sorter advanced for chat and contact messages
  • Live Chat widget preview
  • Auto Updater via cUrl or file_get_content (automatic)
  • PDO sql driver class
  • Minimum PHP 5.5 with PDO support
  • Live Chat PHP Server ready!
  • Payment integration to offer hosted solution (in combination with Live Chat PHP Server)
  • Paypal and Stripe integration
  • More than 150 files removed
  • Bootstrap 4
  • jQuery 3.3.1

Update to 3.0

### Manual update only ###

Please follow this steps carefully. There are a lot of database changes and pretty much all files have been changed!


Please remove all files and folders from Live Chat Business (except cache and files folder and content).

Upload all the new folders and files from Live Chat 3 (except cache and files folder and content).

Now go into files and also upload the folder slideimg.

You will need to use the new include/db.php file.

You will also need to copy a new button code to your website because it does not requiere jQuery anymore.

Open the update file in your browser:

Thank you

Our best release ever thanks to you. Great feedbacks and suggestions makes it possible to improve our software, we are sure you already have new ideas?!


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