FAQ - Buttons - Client Chat

Buttons - Client Chat

08.05.2016 4209

Live Chat has many ways to display the live chat for the client. You can also upload your own image or use a simple link and do almost anything you want with it.

Slide Up

The slide up can be displayed in the left or right bottom or on the left or right side.


Pop Up

The pop up chat is a button (with online status) or link of your choice and with a click it will open a pop up and display the chat inside.

Button to Slide Up

The button to slide up is like the pop up option but instead opening a new window the slide up chat will appear.

There are also various other options.

  • Single department only
  • Single operator only
  • Language
  • Hide Button/SlideUp when offline
  • No ProActive (Not engage customers)
  • Float buttons
  • Show status image on slide up

You can also upload your own buttons from the operator panel, important here: Button format has to be as follow. Online Button: yourname_on.(png/jpg or gif)! Offline Button: yourname_off.(png/jpg or gif). Always upload two buttons at the same time. To delete your custom buttons please login via FTP and go to files/buttons/.

Play around with various options and find the best solution for your website.

Button is hidden

Hint: should your button be behind certain elements please add a style tag with following content:
