Support Tickets - Avarats issue

Avarats issue

Live Chat 13.10.2015 2591 Bug Report Status: Closed Solution: Yes w00t

I have a bug report and a question.
1. I described it in the screenshot -
2. How to edit or totally delete the default avatars?

Replies (36)

  • avatar Jerome

    I will check and get back to you asap.

    13.10.2015 2
  • avatar Jerome

    After doing some tests I can't find any issues with the images. Please make sure you empty your browser chache when you replaced the images.

    You also need at least one standard avatar but you can of course remove the 4 to choose.

    Open template/slide_up/start.php and remove:

    <div class="row text-center">
    <div class="col-xs-3">
    <img src="<?php echo BASE_URL.LS_FILES_DIRECTORY;?>/avatar4.png" class="img-circle img-fluid" alt="avatar" />
    <div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="avatar" value="/avatar4.png" /></label></div>
    <div class="col-xs-3">
    <img src="<?php echo BASE_URL.LS_FILES_DIRECTORY;?>/avatar2.png" class="img-circle img-fluid" alt="avatar2" />
    <div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="avatar" value="/avatar2.png" /></label></div>
    <div class="col-xs-3">
    <img src="<?php echo BASE_URL.LS_FILES_DIRECTORY;?>/avatar3.png" class="img-circle img-fluid" alt="avatar3" />
    <div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="avatar" value="/avatar3.png" /></label></div>
    <div class="col-xs-3">
    <img src="<?php echo BASE_URL.LS_FILES_DIRECTORY;?>/avatar.png" class="img-circle img-fluid" alt="avatar4" />
    <div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="avatar" value="/avatar.png" /></label></div>

    same for the template/pop_up/start.php if you like to use the pop up window.

    There are three images.

    • Standard Avatar Image
    • System Image
    • Operator Image
    13.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    I've done all as you describe. But I don't removed that code now, I just commented it in the template/.../start.php, but the issue with avatars still remained. Admins have a system's avatars instead of their own. If it necessary, I can give you access to the administration panel, that you could see it by yourself.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Is that a fresh installation or an update? I did another fresh installation and it works without an issue.

    Please give me access to operator panel and via ftp.

    Thank you.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    I've sent the details for access.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I have found the bug, it is in combination with operator chat access, if access is turned off it works.

    A fix will be soon available, thank you for the report.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Ok, np. Also I hope that you can fix the function when the users selects their avatar based on sex.

    p.s. Furthermore I noticed now that the operator's chat doesn't work too.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Yes, I saw that too. Can you please send me the russian translation.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    I've done my work on 95%, please wait about 15-20 minutes. How I can upload the translation archive? Directly to your e-mail or you have some form to upload or something like that?

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please send it to my email.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t


    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I have sent you version 1.2, with all the bug fixes and new features.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Thanks for new version, but unfortunately, the new version is able to solve the current problems only partially. I checked on the current version, firstly I've simply updated the files without a database and I could see that only the displaying of operators' avatars was fixed, the users, however still can't select avatars for themselves. Furthermore, the operator's chat are still not working properly. I've tried to do a clean install, but due some unknown reasons for me, the clean installation isn't working.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That is very strange, I have tested it on 3 servers and all browsers no mor issues. Please make sure you replace all files run the update and empty the browser cache as well.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    I made a video of the installation process of the latest version, just take a look pls: link removed

    If it nessesery I can give you again access to the ftp.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Yes, please.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Password for ftp: removed

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    It always fails on the connection, I cant get the directory listing.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Please, try this password: *** removed ***

    Perhaps special chars incorrect for your ftp-client

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I can connect but it fails when it tries to retrieve the directory listing. Login is OK, but probably the path is wrong.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Hosting use ONLY active ftp mode. Please set active mode in the connection properties of your ftp cliient.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You had an error in your db.php, you accidentely deleted a semi colon. I fixed it and the wizard works now, you just need to enter the correct information for the database.

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Opps.. Sorry, it was my inattention!

    I've reinstalled chat again, but russian translation have an error and operators chat doesn't work. (

    p.s. Regarding the avatars. Now I understand that they are intended for operators. But in this case, it makes no sense to display them to users, because in the chat could be a dozen different operators with different avatars. Would be more logical if users could choose an avatar based on their sexual identity (guy or woman for example) for their current session. It would be really great!

    14.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Can you help me?

    15.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Strange, have you tried under english language?

    I could not find other issues.

    15.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Are you talking about lang file error? If yes, I fixed this yesterday (at night) and already sent updated file to you. Just check your mail. Right now I talking about that the operators' chat still inoperative.

    15.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Works at my side, please give me access to your operator panel, so we can test it together.

    15.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Hi. Ok, there is login and password to operators' panel.

    *** Removed ***

    Details for access on website via FTP protocol, I've sent to you bit above..

    16.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I can't access as an operator, wrong password?

    Please note: the operator private chat will only show on the dashboard and you need to set permission to true in each user profile.

    16.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    I fixed access and gave you full administrator rights.

    17.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    It works now, can you please come online.

    18.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    I've just checked right now again the operators' chat under the yours and my account. I've tried to send a messages to the different directions and in the chat window on the other side not appears any characters. If you want, I can record again the video special for you, but would be better if you'd able to verify this bug right in the chat. At this point in time I'm in the chat, and you can enter the chat and write me a message via operators' chat or you can create an additional user account and check it by your own.
    I'm asking you to help me with this issue asap, because I need to run a chat early as tomorrow!
    Thanks in advance.

    19.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    It seems to not work on your server right now, maybe file permission error or something similar, did you check the server error log files?

    Please come online in the live chat (here on our site) so it is easier to find a solution for your problem.

    19.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    After my detailed research, I can definitely say that the version of PHP, OS (rights of directories) or anything like that, doesn't affected to working ability of the "Operators Chat". For the purity of experimentation, I've installed the latest version of Apache and PHP to the Windows OS, this action hasn't led to any positive results. The interlocutor still can't see the messages which sent, but in the "Operator History", we can see multiple reports "These are unreceived messages from the previous chat session!"
    Also, I noticed that after sending each message in access.log generated a huge number of requests, which leads to littering a logs. While I was writing this message, it's about 5 minutes, during of this time the file "access.log" swelled from zero to 350 Kb(!!!). Definitely could be argued that necessary to re-explore a code, responsible for internal (operators) chat.
    At this point, I disabled the "Chat Operators" but we definitely need of this feature, so I very much hope that in the near future, you'd be researching this issue and fix it or give us detailed advice to address these problems.

    20.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    So even on an other server it does not work?

    Try the demo with two operators it works fine and the log is absolutely normal.

    20.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    All bugs have been fixed within the latest release.

    Thank you again for the report and the russian translation.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    28.10.2015 0