

Your search string: admin-panel

Ubuntu 14.04 and Virtualmin Part 2

Welcome to our second part of how to install Virtualmin on Ubuntu 14.04 and run your own web hosting environment.Missed the first part? Read it here.Your server is up and running but not quite finished yet. In ...

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CMS 1.1 on his way

Get ready for the first update for CMS. We have been working hard to give you the best experience with the new CMS 1.1, actually we should call it 2.0 because there are so many new things with this ...

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Live Chat Business 1.1

Live Chat Business 1.1 will be available soon. We are running the final tests and as you can see in the bottom right corner the chat is online and ready for your pre sales questions.With the update to 1.1 ...

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Updates CMS / Live Chat

Now available in our shop and download area the latest version for CMS 1.3 and Live Chat Business 1.2. That is probably the best update for you because for future updates you don't need to download and install ...

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Live Chat Business 1.3

A new update for our Live Chat Business has been released.We want to thank you for all the feedback and suggestion you have sent us in the last two weeks. Thanks to our new auto updated introduced in version ...

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HelpDesk 1.1

We are happy to announce the release of HelpDesk 1.1.It has been a long time since the last update for HelpDesk but we think it was worth it. We have implemented the latest administration design with the ...

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CMS 1.4

We are happy to announce that CMS 1.4 is on his way.Two new features have been implemented, the brand new Slider plugin and the brand new category manager. As always we run a few live tests first, then update ...

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Live Chat Business 1.4

We are happy to announce the release of Live Chat Business 1.4, great new features and many things have been improved.Button WizardYou can forward clients to certain pages now. The brand new button wizard will ...

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HelpDesk 1.2

After our release of HelpDesk 1.1 we gained so many new customers and received a lot of new feedbacks, suggestions and bug reports. It makes us really happy to see our product live on many different domains ...

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Best Live Chat Software

Live Chat for your website is a must if you like to offer first class support or answer pre sales questions. All online shop owners know that customers don't read or even watching videos is sometimes too much ...

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Button Control - HelpDesk

HelpDesk will give you a lot of options how and where you can place the live chat button without any coding knowledge.You have three/four options for buttons: slide out. slide up. button with slide up and pop ...

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Add Super Operators

Adding another super operator is fairly easy!Please follow this steps to create another super operator:Login into your operator panel as a super administrator.Go to User and click on New User.Add all necessary ...

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Twilio / Plivo / Nexmo SMS

I'm sure you like the SMS service integrated into Live Chat 3, Cloud Chat 3 and HelpDesk 3, however to use it you need an account with Twilio, Plivo or Nexmo.After sign up with Twilio or Nexmo you will get an ...

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Desktop Notifications

Live Chat Business and WebSocket offers desktop notifications, never miss a client again when you working and forgot to turn on your speaker.Desktop Notifications work fine in Chrome, Safari, Edge, IE10 and ...

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Hook: php_admin_usergroup

Use this hook to execute PHP code in the admin/usergroup.php file.For example:if (isset($defaults['jak_download'])) { $insert .= 'download = '.$defaults['jak_download'].', downloadpost = ...

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Hook: php_admin_user_rename

Use this hook to execute PHP code in the admin/user.php file.For example:$jakdb->query('UPDATE '.DB_PREFIX.'faqcomments SET username = '.smartsql($defaults['jak_username']).' WHERE userid = ...

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Hook: php_admin_user_delete

Use this hook to execute PHP code in the admin/user.php file.For example:$jakdb->query('UPDATE '.DB_PREFIX.'faqcomments SET userid = 0 WHERE userid = '.$page2.'');if you like to include a ...

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Hook: php_admin_user_delete_mass

Use this hook to execute PHP code in the admin/user.php file.For example:$jakdb->query('UPDATE '.DB_PREFIX.'faqcomments SET userid = 0 WHERE userid = '.$page2.'');if you like to include a ...

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Hook: php_admin_lang

Use this hook to execute PHP language code in the admin/index.php file.For example:if (file_exists(APP_PATH.'plugins/yourplugin/admin/lang/'.$jkv[lang].'.ini')) { $tld = ...

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Hook: php_admin_setting

Use this hook to execute PHP code in the admin/setting.php file.For example:$plugin_setting = working...;if you like to include a file:APP_PATH.'plugins/yourplugin/file_to_include.php';

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Chat history

Hello Sir jerome -I would like to show you some problem in the live chat 01- I have the same problem as this position: 02-the operators (super admin) her all ...

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Wrong title on user search

Hi,I tested CMS on XAMPP, localhost.I found strange behavior CMS.1.  General Settings > UsersI have only one Super User, call him 'Admin'. In users table I have only this user. When I want click to ...

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CMS 1.4 - Blog sidebar location

Hi Jerome,I did not find how to set up sidebar location in the main web page of the blog. I was looking for:1. Admin panel > Blog > SettingsHow can I change sidebar location in main page of the blog?

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CMS 1.4.1 - admin language en.ini

Hi Jerome,Small correction in admin english language from[cform]c = New formto [cform]c = New Form

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CMS 1.4.1 - help for sidebar position

Hi Jerome,I think it would be useful to create help for sidebar position in each page. An why?If I use settings for Sidebar position in style switcher, than Sidebar location in each page does not work. I think ...

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CMS 1.4.2 - access only to part of the content

Hi Jerome,I understand that each page has access rights according to user groups.How do I set access rights to content?For exampleI have page 'home' with content:<p>Text one is only for user-group ...

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CMS 1.4.2 - translate template

How can I translate some plugin? I need translate plugin FAQ to czech language.I copy file from 'faq/admin/lang/en.ini' to 'cs.ini' and I translated all words but not works lang.ini files in FAQ and other ...

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CMS 1.5 - blog

Hi Jerome,I have other questions.BlogIn the blog I do not want to use the time display in your format e.g. '5 days ago' but I want to show the normal date and time '21.11.2015  - 20:04'. How do ...

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I don't see the online operators from admin

Hello again, Im currently testing it with my operators and as admin i cant see the online operators.. any Suggestion?

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CMS 1.5.1 - language settings in ACP

Small correction in 'admin/template/header.php'from<html lang=en>to<html lang=<?php echo $site_language;?>>

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