CMS 22.11.2015 2882 Feedback Status: Open Solution: No bluesatkv
Hi Jerome,
I think it would be useful to create help for sidebar position in each page. An why?
If I use settings for Sidebar position in style switcher, than Sidebar location in each page does not work. I think same as in file 'admin/template/editcat.php' (Edit Category - External Link)
<td><?php echo $tl["cat"]["c13"];?> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="cms-help" data-content="<?php echo $tl["help"]["h1"];?>" data-original-title="<?php echo $tl["title"]["t21"];?>"><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i></a></td>
What do you think about this?
This time I don't understand. :)
Can you explain or describe it again, please.
Sorry for my english. It's difficult to explain in English.
Situation 1:
I have Styleswitcher. In Styleswitcher is a tab 'General'. On this tab is item 'Sidebar'. After the first installation template is value 'left'. But this settings still not work.
I have page e.g. 'Home'. I have item 'Sidebar Position' in 'Manage > Edit Page'.
Setting for 'Sidebar Position' in 'Edit Page' works at the moment, because we don't set position in Styleswitcher.
Situation 2:
If I save settings in 'Styleswitcher' for 'Sidebar Position', than not works setting in 'Sidebar position' for each page in 'Manage > Edit Page'.
So I think it would be useful to add help for 'Sidebar position' in 'Manage > Edit Page', that if the active setting Sidebar position in Styleswitcher, so this setting is not working.
Demonstration of Help
Idea with Sidebar position in 'Manage > Edit Page' (It is only example)
But setting the sidebar in page will overwrite the settings in styleswitcher, well at least that is the idea.
I will provide a solution asap...
That is a bigger fix, version 1.4.2 will be released tomorrow after extensive testing. Thank you for your patience.
No problem for me. I have sidebar only left in custom template
It is report for you, so that everything was fine and no one complained 
Finally fixed within CMS 1.4.2, thank you for your patience.
I'll test this weekend
Thanks for your support.