Live Chat Business 1.3

Live Chat Business 1.3

About JAKWEB 25.10.2015 5868

Live Chat Business 1.3

A new update for our Live Chat Business has been released.

We want to thank you for all the feedback and suggestion you have sent us in the last two weeks. Thanks to our new auto updated introduced in version 1.2, the update will be a as easy as it gets.

But first what has been changed and improved in Version 1.3

  • Redesigned Operator Chat, 75% less MySQL Queries
  • Separated public and private operator permission for each operator
  • Operator can hide his own messages from client if typo
  • Improved security on Server Side Events
  • Fixed clicking on already active chat messages
  • Fixed predefined messages getting multiplied
  • Improved is typing live status (less queries)
  • Removed double Javascript code in Settings
  • Various small bugs fixed

It is now available in our download area for existing license holder and customers or you can purchase the latest Live Chat Business in our shop.

For existing customers running Live Chat Business 1.2 the update will be so easy, just go to your operator panel - settings - maintenance and run the auto updater.

For new customers or customer running an older version, please head to our download area and update the old fashion way.