How can I translate some plugin? I need translate plugin FAQ to czech language.
I copy file from 'faq/admin/lang/en.ini' to 'cs.ini' and I translated all words but not works lang.ini files in FAQ and other plugin. FAQ is still in english language. Same situation is If I change to germany language. Plugin is still in english.
Thanks for your support.
Hi, same problem is for lang in FAQ webpage. The language of the plugin can not switch. Works only English
Each plugin has a lang folder as well.
faq/lang/en.ini for example you need to duplicate that file name it cz.ini and translate the content.
I know. But If I change language in 'General Settings -> Settings' to 'cs.ini' , than language in FAQ is still english. Same problem is for germany language.
I know that In FAQ are two files with language (admin and standard)
Jerome, If I use other language, then plugins are still in english language. Only If I translate content 'en.ini' to other language e.g. deutsch, spanish, french, czech ... , than it works.
Thank you for the report, we will release CMS 1.5 soon with a fix of the language bug and the new template structure for the plugins.
Thanks again and I appologise for any inconvenience.
Fixed within version 1.5
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