Support Tickets - CMS 1.4.2 - translate template

CMS 1.4.2 - translate template

CMS 28.11.2015 3046 Feedback Status: Closed Solution: Yes bluesatkv

How can I translate some plugin? I need translate plugin FAQ to czech language.

I copy file from 'faq/admin/lang/en.ini' to 'cs.ini' and I translated all words but not works lang.ini files in FAQ and other plugin. FAQ is still in english language. Same situation is If I change to germany language. Plugin is still in english.

Thanks for your support.

Replies (6)

  • avatar bluesatkv

    Hi, same problem is for lang in FAQ webpage. The language of the plugin can not switch. Works only English frown

    28.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Each plugin has a lang folder as well.

    faq/lang/en.ini for example you need to duplicate that file name it cz.ini and translate the content.

    28.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    I know. But If I change language in 'General Settings -> Settings' to 'cs.ini' , than language in FAQ is still english. Same problem is for germany language.

    I know that In FAQ are two files with language (admin and standard)

    28.11.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    Jerome, If I use other language, then plugins are still in english language. Only If I translate content 'en.ini' to other language e.g. deutsch, spanish, french, czech ... , than it works.

    28.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for the report, we will release CMS 1.5 soon with a fix of the language bug and the new template structure for the plugins.

    Thanks again and I appologise for any inconvenience.

    28.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Fixed within version 1.5

    *** Ticket closed ***

    30.11.2015 0