About JAKWEB 27.09.2015 4133
Live Chat Business 1.1 will be available soon. We are running the final tests and as you can see in the bottom right corner the chat is online and ready for your pre sales questions.
With the update to 1.1 we have completely redesigned the chat behaviour and his look, not just for the client also for the operator. Faster handling with your mobile devices, resource friendlier (reduced SQL queries by 80%), faster loading and over all just a better behaviour.
The next couple of days we will run it live and test the performance in a live and busy environment (we have around 30000 visitors a Month), then the demo will be updated and finally it will be available for download. Business is so good that we will remove the websocket version, the market for it is too small.
Any suggestions or feedback? Please post your comment.
Now we also have this silly cookie message. We do not have any advertising on our site and we only store cookies for making the site work and for a good browsing experience.
We use cookies, just to track visits to our website, we store no personal details.
Read more in our pricacy agreement.