FAQ - Database and Password Hash

Database and Password Hash

05.11.2015 8235

Installing our software is very simple and the installation wizard will guide you through in only two steps.

Important information about the include/db.php file. Please open this file in any text or php editor.

Database Connection:

define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // Database host
define('DB_PORT', 3306); // Enter the database port for your mysql server
define('DB_USER', ''); // Database user
define('DB_PASS', ''); // Database password
define('DB_NAME', ''); // Database name
define('DB_PREFIX', ''); // Database prefix use (a-z or _)

This should be clear, important information for PHP to connect to your MySQL database and table. Please choose a strong password when you setup your MySQL table. For example: 4k2+!kSSowk9

If you install any of our Software on a 1&1 server you might run into a database connection problem.

Please use following setting to connect to your 1&1 database:

define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // Database host ## Datenbank Server
define('DB_PORT', '/tmp/mysql5.sock'); // Enter the database port for your mysql server

Define a unique password hash key:

define('DB_PASS_HASH', 'your_key_goes_here');

This unique key will be used to make the password of your members stronger, do not change this key after setup, otherwise your members cannot login again. Use a very strong key to protect your members password. For example: %3ko**è,LwlKK