30.11.2021 2541
Cloud Desk 3 is now capable of running wildcard sub domains for your clients. This is a great step forward in user usability.
The signup page we provide is a sample page and most of you don't use it however we will explain it here to make the most out of the sign up form for your clients.
There are two options to use now, the normal way with sessions for the client to set their business page (like a link) or now with wild card sub domains.
Open the index.html page and find following code:
<div class="form-text text-muted">https://<span class="business-link"></span>.zipp.cloud</div>
This will be changed in any case, first the domain itself and second how you run CD3. In case you run it with the wildcard sub domain option you only change the domain name.
In case you run it in normal mode but with rewrite feature you will need to change it to following:
<div class="form-text text-muted">https://zipp.cloud/bs/<span class="business-link"></span></div>
Of course you will still need to change the domain but the the rest should need to stay as is.
Should you run Cloud Desk 3 without rewrite mode and without wildcard sub domains, change the line to following:
<div class="form-text text-muted">https://zipp.cloud/index.php?p=bs&sp=<span class="business-link"></span></div>