29.11.2021 2550
With the new release of Cloud Desk 3 we have implemented a wildcard sub domain feature. That means all your customer can now have their business name in a subdomain.
To have this feature available you will need following:
With this set you can start configure the software first. Please open your include/db.php file and find:
replace with:
Go to your administration panel and change to wildcard on the location setup you have changed. Administration Panel - Location - Edit Location
That's already it for the Software side.
We can only provide limited support on server configurations but an example how to do it on a Ubuntu System with Virtualmin installed.
Connect with your SSH user to your server and install following package.
sudo apt install python3-certbot-apache
After the package has been installed login to your Virtualmin Console and create your domain if not already. After the domain has been created go to: Server Configuration -> Website Options. Make sure you are doing this for the correct domain.
The final step is to request the SSL Wildcard Certificate from Let's Encrypt. Go to Server Configration -> SSL Certificate. Browse to the last tab and select the wildcard certifcate.
That's it, you should now have the wildcard sub domains working.