HelpDesk 3 - Permission Levels
22.02.2021 2235
HelpDesk 3 has 25 permission levels for each operator. There is the super operator which is defined in the include/db.php file, this user has access to everything and cannot be deleted.

- Support (access to the support area / tickets, view, add, update, delete)
- FAQ (access to the FAQ area, view, add, update, delete)
- Blog (access to the Blog area, view, add, update, delete)
- Leads (access to his own conversations with clients)
- Leads (All) (access to all conversations from all operators and clients)
- Operator Chat (access to logs from his own operator chat)
- Operator Chat (All) (access to all logs from the operator chat)
- Statistic (access to statistics from his own conversations)
- Statistic (All) (access to all statistics)
- Manage Files (access to the file section, view, add, update, delete)
- Manage ProActive (access to the ProActive area, view, add, update, delete)
- User Management (access to the operator profiles, view, add, update, delete)
- Client Management (access to the client profiles, view, add, update, delete)
- Billing (Check payments and create payment pacakges)
- Standard responses (access to the standard responses area, view, add, update, delete)
- Departments (access to the departments area, view, add, update, delete)
- Settings (access to the settings area, view, change)
- Maintenance (access to the maintenance area, view, update, delete)
- Logs (access to the logs area, view, delete)
- Manage Answers / Text (access to the answers/text area, view, add, update, delete)
- Chat Widget (access to the chat widget area, view, update, add, delete)
- Public Group Chats (access to the answers/text area, view, update, add, delete)
- URL Black List (access to the url black list section in settings, view, update, add, delete)
- Block Visitors (Block visitors by IP or Email Address / Domain)
- BLock Visitors (access to the block visitor section in settings, view, update, add, delete)
Note: all this permissions only count if the operator is not a super operator.