FAQ - Facebook, Twitter, Skype and other Social Stuff

Facebook, Twitter, Skype and other Social Stuff

06.02.2020 2343

We often get contacted if we have integrated our professional Solutions with Social Platforms. The short answer is no and there is a good reason.

Our software has been developed to provide professional support through Live Chat or Support Tickets. We did not implement any social platform because we respect privacy from our clients and users and we don't want to share any informations with this plattforms.

There are no shared logins or any other connections to social platforms like: facebook, twitter, skype and whatsapp. We have also no plans to integrate this social media services into our software.

If you don't care about your users privacy, there are solutions from this platforms itself. However they will grab all the data they can.

Why JAKWEB Software?

Because you are in control of your and your customers data. All our software run on your server, we don't have access to the information of your clients.

We care about digital and analog privacy since 2009!