20.11.2019 3132
How to change or remove the visible copyright notice in Cloud Desk 3.
First of all please read carefully our license agreement if you not have already.
To remove the visible copyright notice in the operater, front end and chat widget you will need to edit following files:
// Your copyright link
$JAK_PCOPYRIGHT_LINK = '<a href="https://jakweb.ch/cloud-desk-3">CD3</a> / ';
// Remove the copyright when customer has paid for
if (isset($jakosub['copyfree']) && $jakosub['copyfree'] == 1) $JAK_PCOPYRIGHT_LINK = "";
// Copyright do only remove or change with a valid copyright free link license
define('JAK_COPYRIGHT_LINK', $JAK_PCOPYRIGHT_LINK.'<a href="https://jakweb.ch/cloud-desk-3">Powered by Cloud Desk 3</a>');
<a href="https://jakweb.ch/cloud-desk-3">Made with <i class="material-icons">favorite</i> by Cloud Desk 3</a>
Powered by <a href="https://jakweb.ch">CloudDesk 3</a>
In case you want to edit the html comment in the edit widget file, please open following file: operator/template/editwidget.php and find:
CloudDesk 3 widget
Replace it to something that suits your business name.
The contact page on the front end can be change through the CMS build into the operator panel. Also the text on the extended page in the operator panel where customers purchase your services can be changed through administration panel.
You will need to edit the two index.html files mentioned above.
<div>Cloud Desk 3<br />
Made in Switzerland</div>