14.10.2018 3132
Our rest Api for the mobile apps have the possibilities to change the title, privacy and license agreement links and as well the background image on the login, forgot password page. Therefore it is very easy to customise the apps to suit your business model without purchasing the source code.
To change the title and background image you will need to open following file rest/setupurl.php
die(json_encode(array('status' => true, 'ios' => "", 'android' => "", 'title' => "CloudDesk 3")));
Title should be clear, how to change the background image can be read in this dedicated FAQ article.
For that you will need to open the file rest/login.php and change the links inside the array.
die(json_encode(array('status' => true, 'userid' => $jakuser->getVar("id"), 'name' => $jakuser->getVar("name"), 'username' => $jakuser->getVar("username"), 'hash' => $jakuser->getVar("idhash"), 'email' => $jakuser->getVar("email"), 'picture' => JAK_FILES_DIRECTORY.$jakuser->getVar("picture"), 'responses' => $jakuser->getVar("responses"), 'files' => $jakuser->getVar("files"), 'transfer' => $jakuser->getVar("transferc"), 'permissions' => $jakuser->getVar("permissions"), 'superadmin' => $superadmin, 'postmaxsize' => $postmax, 'filetypes' => JAK_ALLOWEDO_FILES, 'urlabout' => "https://jakweb.ch", 'urlterms' => "https://jakweb.ch/terms-condition", 'urlprivacy' => "https://jakweb.ch/privacy")));
Here you should only change the urlabout, urlterms, urlprivacy, change them by replacing ours with yours.