FAQ - Native App - Custom Background

Native App - Custom Background

11.03.2018 3287

With the latest version of our app and the latest version of our Live Chat 3, HelpDesk 3 and Cloud Chat 3 it is possible to have your own custom background on the app, plus your custom title too.

Important is to run the latest version of our App and Software.

You will need to edit following file:

  • rest/setupurl.php
die(json_encode(array('status' => true, 'ios' => "your_ios_background_image", 'android' => "your_android_background_image", 'title' => "Live Chat 3")));

Background Image

  • IOS Background Image - JPEG (1152 x 2048)
  • Android Background Image - JPEG (1242 x 2208)

The images should be placed in the rest folder and the correct name of the image should be placed in the setupurl.php file. The next time you load the app with the URL it will change the background of our app to your personal look.


background image ios android app