FAQ - Widget Whitelist Cross Domain

Widget Whitelist Cross Domain

13.09.2017 6409

Article expired!!! Not necessary in the new versions.

Placing the widget on a different domain than the one Live Chat 3 or HelpDesk 3 has been installed is called Cross Domain. When using a widget on different domains we have build in an extra security for your widgets.

In your operator panel - widgets you will have a box which is called "Widget Whitelist CrossDomain". When placing the widget on a different domain you will need to enter this domain into this box, example:

cross domain whitelist

Valid Domains:

  • https://www.crossdomain.com or https://crossdomain.com
  • http://www.crossdomain.com or http://crossomdain.com
  • https://domain1.com,http://domain2.com,https://www.domain3.com

Important! Separate multiple url's with a comma, Only add the URL without a backslash.