FAQ - SSL Certificate

SSL Certificate

23.06.2017 3585

All our software are ready for a SSL certificate means you can run any our software on https. To do so you will need to have a working SSL certificate installed on your server and switch our software (Live Chat 3, Cloud Chat 3 or Helpdesk 3) to SSL mode.

To switch our software to SSL mode please open your include/db.php and change following line:

// Set http or https
define('JAK_SITEHTTPS', 0); // Site is running in HTTP 0 = / HTTPS = 1
// Set http or https
define('JAK_SITEHTTPS', 1); // Site is running in HTTP 0 = / HTTPS = 1

Upload the changed db.php file and you are good to go. We also suggest a redirection to the https url via Apache htaccess or Nginx.

Important In case you want to service SSL websites with a live chat your LC3, HD3 and CC3 needs to be have a valid SSL certificate as well.