FAQ - CC3 - How it works for the client

CC3 - How it works for the client

13.02.2017 3780

How does it work in Cloud Chat 3 for the client side?

For all our CC3 license holder remember all is included from the sign up form for the client to the single operator server to the complete administration panel to manage your clients.

The client sign up form can't be any easier, see the illustration for more details.

how client sign up for lcps

  • Client uses the included signup form
  • He will receive an email to confirm his account
  • The account will be created after clicking the link in the email
  • He can login and start using the chat with all the features for the trial period you have set in the administration panel
  • He can purchase more Months or Years straight from his dashboard all fully automatic.

All runs on your server and you have full control over everything and of course you can use your own branding.