FAQ - Change Text/Layout in HelpDesk

Change Text/Layout in HelpDesk

27.01.2016 4052

HelpDesk has a build in content management system, it allows you to change the text and layout via operator console, your web browser.

Please login into your operator panel and go to Settings - Front Text. Choose one of the section you like to edit and save.

helpdesk editor cms

You can also use different variables to personlize each page for your clients. Following placeholders are available:

You can use following vars inside the text: {url}, {title}, {email}, {ticket}, {subject}, {ticketurl}, {cname}, {cemail}, {cpassword}, {reset}

Following meanings for short variables:

  • cname = client name
  • cemail = client email
  • cpassword = client password (not always possible because the system stores the data encrypted)

This will replace the placeholder with the appropriate text when available.