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Black list Url's is a simple feature to hide the chat on certain pages. Let's say you don't want to show the chat on a particular page, just copy and paste that URL and create a new entry in your operator ...
The location setup is very important in Cloud Chat 3 - Administration. Before you clients can register you will need to setup the database connection to your chat server.Please login into your administration ...
With the latest version of our app and the latest version of our Live Chat 3, HelpDesk 3 and Cloud Chat 3 it is possible to have your own custom background on the app, plus your custom title too.Important is ...
How to share files and images in HelpDesk 3 is fairly easy and can be done without posting an answer. File sharing the right way.
The build in CMS in HelpDesk 3 is the place to manage your pages, translations, contact, login, signup and other forms.By clicking on of the pages on the right you can edit the content easily you have also ...
All our support and sale software come with default avatars for the live support chat. However it might not suit your business or design, for that we have created a lot of avatar packages.You will find them in ...
Since HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.1 a task or event calendar is available for the dashboard. Set unlimited events on the calendar for you and your operators.You cannot only create, edit, move, delete events it is ...
With the latest version of our products we have brought the chat opener back.Now you are not bound to the build in opener you can use any elment to open the chat and decide if it should slide up or open in a ...
Article expired, for the Version 3.0 and higher please check the installation manual.With Cloud Chat 3 - Version 2.0 we have implemented subscription based packages. Therefore the client can be charged ...
Cloud Chat 3 - Version 2.0 is around the corner and it has been completely redesigned. We have also implement file sharing capabilites.Now that is great YEAHHHHH, but also a big security risk if used wrong. ...
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