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Live Chat WebSocket our best live chat solution hosted on your server. Please find here the minimum requirements for Live Chat WebSocket.SSH Access to your web sever or able to run a CLI Daemon thru a command ...
Live Chat Business and Live Chat WebSocket offers you a auto and manual proactive feature!But first what does ProActive mean: Acting in advance and contact your website visitors.Manual ProActiveNow the manual ...
I'm sure you like the SMS service integrated into Live Chat 3, Cloud Chat 3 and HelpDesk 3, however to use it you need an account with Twilio, Plivo or Nexmo.After sign up with Twilio or Nexmo you will get an ...
If you install Live Chat or any our Products on a 1&1 server you might run into a database connection problem.Please use following setting to connect to your 1&1 database:define('DB_HOST', ...
Adding another super operator is fairly easy!Please follow this steps to create another super operator:Login into your operator panel as a super administrator.Go to User and click on New User.Add all necessary ...
I you chose a stand-alone version, please read the installation manual very carefully! Installing Live Chat is very simple and the installation wizard will guide you through in only two steps.Important ...
Old product, not valid anymore, please check for each product the correct minimum requirements.You will need a hosting package with following minimum requirements.The web server must have PHP and MySQL with ...
HelpDesk will give you a lot of options how and where you can place the live chat button without any coding knowledge.You have three/four options for buttons: slide out. slide up. button with slide up and pop ...