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Welcome Page with Countdown

In this tutorial we create a sleek and simple welcome page with a countdown timer based on HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap. Because we are using Bootstrap it is simple and we have a guarantee it works in all major ...

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Live Chat Business 1.1

Live Chat Business 1.1 will be available soon. We are running the final tests and as you can see in the bottom right corner the chat is online and ready for your pre sales questions.With the update to 1.1 ...

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Vanilla Javascript

There was a time in web development that when a website was powered with any Javascript it was bad, some people even blocked Javascript on the browser so it won't be executed. Today that would be ...

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Slide Out Box

Our goal today is to create a slide out box with either jQuery or plain Javascript. We need a div with two sub div's a little bit of css and Javascript or jQuery for the click event, with hover you could ...

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Password Generator

Simple password generator build with a Javascript or PHP function. Two password generator functions one is build on pure Javascript and one on PHP. Easy to use plus you can choose the length of the ...

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CMS 2.0

29.02.2016You will remember that date because it changed the way how we build and manage websites in the future.CMS 2.0We are pleased to announce the availability of CMS 2.0. The best and easiest way to build ...

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Business One Page

Ready for a Freebie? Our Business One Page based on the latest Bootstrap 4 is now available for download. It comes in 6 different colour schemes and with a fully working contact form of course. We have also ...

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HelpDesk 1.7

We are proud to announce the availability of HelpDesk 1.7. The complete support solution has now the possiblity to fetch unlimited email accounts via PHP IMAP.We would like to thank you once again for all the ...

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Live Chat 2.5

Happy holidays from the JAKWEB team.We are pleased to announce the release of the latest version of Live Chat Business, 2.5. This release contains significant new functionality. Most importantly, we are ...

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Live Chat 3

We are proud to announce the release of Live Chat 3. All files have been changed, completely redesigned, easier to use embed code (no jQuery), Bootstrap 4, IOS Smilies and optimised to the last bit of code.The ...

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Twilio / Plivo / Nexmo SMS

I'm sure you like the SMS service integrated into Live Chat 3, Cloud Chat 3 and HelpDesk 3, however to use it you need an account with Twilio, Plivo or Nexmo.After sign up with Twilio or Nexmo you will get an ...

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WebSocket - PHP Daemon as Server (Debian)

To run the PHP Socket Server as a service we created a bash script for Debian / Ubuntu and it should also work on other linux based server with slight modifications.The bash script:#! /bin/sh### BEGIN INIT ...

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Admin Access Level

In CMS each administrator can have different access to different plugins and sections in the administration panel. This can be handy if you have an admin only manage the news, so he/she doesn't need access to ...

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Add your Sidebar Widget

Step by Step guide to add your own sidebar widget.First you need to create the sidebar widget file within the template you use:In our case we created a file with Google Adsense as content. After you created ...

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Contact Form Builder

CMS has a build in contact form builder, create as many contact forms you like and link one to any page. The form builder can have unlimited fields even file upload is possible.You can create input, radio, ...

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Automatically Redirect Client

Since Live Chat Business 1.4 you can redirect a client to a certain URL when chatting. To redirect a client you need to add the url in the field marked below.Should you add the url into the textarea (the same ...

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Copyrights and Backlinks

We get often asked if backlinks and copyrights can be removed with our license and YES you can remove it when you have purchased a copyright free license.All our code is not encrypted and can be modified, but ...

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Float Button - CSS

Only applies for old Versions, prior 2022.Go to your operator panel - chat widget - select a chat widget and you will see a new input field.You can now place the button wherever you like to suit your design. ...

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Email to Ticket / Pipe

Removed in HelpDesk Version 1.9, please use PHP Imap.With HelpDesk it is possible to convert emails to tickets. With each server control panel the setup is slightly different, however within HelpDesk the setup ...

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Setup Live Chat Profile

In this article we will guide your through the setup of your personal profile.Please login with your operator account and go to Edit Profile. Most settings should be clear however let us explain the one that ...

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Hello,Great product!  Just one issue so far.  I am trying to get the sms to send a notification to my phone when help chat is requested.  I signed up for both Twillo and Nexmo and input my info ...

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Custom Template

Hi Jerome,I need creating custom template. I have website and I want to implement your CMS.CUSTOM TEMPLATE without STYLESHEET (I don't want styleswitcher)1. Step - Creating new template from ...

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custom field/web project id

hey jerome,you may remember we spoke the other day re helpdesk system, i really hope you dont mind but i wanted to ask you if there was a quick way to add a new ticket to a specific web project id... something ...

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some issues

Hi,we have some problems, but the chat is fantastic.1- the chat in our site made with Adobe Muse doesn't appear, but is shown in subdomain in php and opencart site such as - ...

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Online / offline & auto proactive

Hello Jerome,we have 3 questions:1) even though i am logged in to the operator panel and activated the online button... as soon as I navigate to another tab I appear offline... even when I navigate within the ...

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Updated date and time bug in tickets

Hi,When tickets are created (manually or through email piping) the updated time is null so it's displayed as 12.31.1969- 19:00. Could that be set to time() just as the initiated field is?

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Wildcard Proactive

I need the Chat Engage Proactive as 1 to any page of the site that the client is .For example, if I have in my website a blog system , we add about 15 posts a day , I do not need to configure page to page the ...

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Operator Email Tickets

Hello, I have bought your theme from CodeCanyon and I would need some help with somehting. When there is a new ticket created on a Operator, the specific Operator dosen't get a email. I have added a client ...

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Email notification for new or changed ticket?

I have the HelpDesk 1.8 installed, and would like to get a notificatuion via email when a customer adds a new ticket in the HelpDesk AND when the customer updates the ticket.I have tried to add an email to the ...

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Mobile Phones

Odd problem. The live chat and departments all work great from a PC and a Tablet. But from a moblie phone Android (Not sure about iPhone) You can pull up the chat, put in your info and hit the Start Chat ...

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