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Live Chat 3, Helpdesk or Cloud Chat 3. Live Communication that works! JUST DOMORE GET STARTED Stop installing bloated scripts that all do the ...

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Thank you very much for your trust in our installation service. Please select the correct option above: No Option = Live Chat 3 The rest should be self explainedInstallation service includes:Installation ...

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HelpDesk 3 / WordPress User Bridge

WordPress plugin to connect the operators and clients with HelpDesk 3. Free for all HelpDesk 3 license holder. Latest Version 1.1

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LiveChat 3 / WordPress User Bridge

WordPress plugin to connect the operators with Live Chat 3. Free for all Live Chat 3 license holder. Latest Version 1.1

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Bootstrap 3 - jQuery Password strength

We have designed a password meter for our products and here it is. Bootstrap 3 and jQuery is necessary to run the password strenght meter. Password Meter for Bootstrap 4 now available.Password indicators shown ...

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Desktop Notifications

Desktop Notifications is on his way and will be available soon on all browsers. At the moment you can have desktop notifications on Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE9I have been playing around with it for a while ...

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spotillo - Social Timeline

The new and unique social timeline is born. spotillo is a brand new way of sharing your interest, news, photos and information.Fast, reliable and fun social platform without the anyoing emails and ...

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Ubuntu 14.04 and Virtualmin Part 1

Today we will show you how to install virtualmin on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 running on a vps with the new services like digitalocean or vultr.Virtualmin is free and licensed under the GPL license, with Virtualmin ...

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Ubuntu 14.04 and Virtualmin Part 2

Welcome to our second part of how to install Virtualmin on Ubuntu 14.04 and run your own web hosting environment.Missed the first part? Read it here.Your server is up and running but not quite finished yet. In ...

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30 Days Support

After selling a dozen licenses with our new license strategy we had to change it slightly, means you get more now.We have now included 30 days support through our support tickets. In 99% of the support ...

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Ubuntu 14.04 and Virtualmin Part 3

Welcome to our last part of how to install Virtualmin/Webmin on Ubuntu 14.04.Should you have missed part 1 and part 2 you can read it here.In the last part we will cover how to setup your Nameserver, domain, ...

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Password Generator

Simple password generator build with a Javascript or PHP function. Two password generator functions one is build on pure Javascript and one on PHP. Easy to use plus you can choose the length of the ...

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Facebook Like Button

I'm sure you have seen the new facebook like button?! Like it?We do, actually that is one thing that has been asked for ages and finally they build it into the system. In this article we build a facebook like ...

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Live Chat Business 1.4

We are happy to announce the release of Live Chat Business 1.4, great new features and many things have been improved.Button WizardYou can forward clients to certain pages now. The brand new button wizard will ...

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Business - Minimum Requirements

Old product, not valid anymore, please check for each product the correct minimum requirements.You will need a hosting package with following minimum requirements.The web server must have PHP and MySQL with ...

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Installation First Steps

I you chose a stand-alone version, please read the installation manual very carefully! Installing Live Chat is very simple and the installation wizard will guide you through in only two steps.Important ...

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Add Super Operators

Adding another super operator is fairly easy!Please follow this steps to create another super operator:Login into your operator panel as a super administrator.Go to User and click on New User.Add all necessary ...

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1&1 Server Connection

If you install Live Chat or any our Products on a 1&1 server you might run into a database connection problem.Please use following setting to connect to your 1&1 database:define('DB_HOST', ...

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WebSocket - Protect PHP Daemon

When running a PHP Dameon it is important that it will be run only thru CLI (ssh, command line) and never from a browser (security risk).You have two options to protect the files from accessing from a ...

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Desktop Notifications

Live Chat Business and WebSocket offers desktop notifications, never miss a client again when you working and forgot to turn on your speaker.Desktop Notifications work fine in Chrome, Safari, Edge, IE10 and ...

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Installation Guide

Please note this is a guide for our old product Live Chat. Check the correct FAQ category for each product for further help. Also there is a complete user manual and installation video included in the download ...

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WordPress, Prestashop, Joomla and Co.

Does Live Chat 3, Live Chat Business and HelpDesk work with WordPress, Joomla, Prestashop or any other software that creates a website or shop?Yes, Live Chat 3, Business and HelpDesk will work with any website ...

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What do I need to run CMS?

You need a web server to run CMS.The web server must have PHP and MySQL with one available database.If your web server is running on Apache you can use the build in URL optimizer and get a slightly better ...

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Hook: php_admin_user_rename

Use this hook to execute PHP code in the admin/user.php file.For example:$jakdb->query('UPDATE '.DB_PREFIX.'faqcomments SET username = '.smartsql($defaults['jak_username']).' WHERE userid = ...

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CMS updated

We have just updated CMS. Added a easier way to edit comments and fixed a few bugs, no database changes just file changes. Download the package and replace the new files. Hint sort it after date modified with ...

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Hello,Great product!  Just one issue so far.  I am trying to get the sms to send a notification to my phone when help chat is requested.  I signed up for both Twillo and Nexmo and input my info ...

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User manual for CMS

Because I saw the 3 videos that you post on youtube and non of they worked for me. If you want to try on my site please tell me and I tell you the credentials.

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Add user to post on blog

I have another question. Firs of all thank you for the support.How can I add a user that can post articles on blog and only can do that, nothing else?

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User manual please!

I have no coding knowledge and need too much help because there is no user manual of the software, how to use each of the plugins and modifications. Example, I dont know how to set the blog as the home ...

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Wrong title on user search

Hi,I tested CMS on XAMPP, localhost.I found strange behavior CMS.1.  General Settings > UsersI have only one Super User, call him 'Admin'. In users table I have only this user. When I want click to ...

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Does not send message to the online user

Hello, good morning.I found that there is a small Bug. When the user is online and clicking the icon to send the invitation message, the message is not sent to the online user.thank youJosé Gomes

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CMS 1.4 - Blog sidebar location

Hi Jerome,I did not find how to set up sidebar location in the main web page of the blog. I was looking for:1. Admin panel > Blog > SettingsHow can I change sidebar location in main page of the blog?

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CMS 1.4.1 - Wrong title on user - searching

Hi Jerome,General settings > UsersWhen I use searching, after click to 'search', Is changed title in section from Users - Manage Users  on your CMS to  Site - Manage Users  on your CMS

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CMS 1.4.1 - help for sidebar position

Hi Jerome,I think it would be useful to create help for sidebar position in each page. An why?If I use settings for Sidebar position in style switcher, than Sidebar location in each page does not work. I think ...

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