

Your search string: integrate

Password Indicator

Download the password indicator for Bootstrap 3. Easy to integrate and a great way to show that most passwords chosen are too weak.

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Like Box

Like box build on Vanilla Javascript, PHP, MySQL and CSS3. Easy to integrate and thanks to functions use it multiple times on the same page.

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Password Indicator BS4

Download the password indicator for Bootstrap 4. Easy to integrate and a great way to show that most passwords chosen are too weak.

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Increase sales with Live Support Chat

If you want your business to grow, you also have to think about offering your customers a very good customer support experience. This is why using live support or live chat can come in handy. This type of ...

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5 reasons why you need a live support chat

Do you want to expand your online business? Then the best thing you can do is to add live support chat. This is a features that can bring in front lots of untapped potential for your website. Plus, there are ...

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HelpDesk - Client Api

HelpDesk has a great client api integrated. You can integrate this into your own website where your client create a user or change their data or delete their user profile. You need curl installed on your ...

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HelpDesk 3 - Api

Please use the API V2 for new HD3 versions.HelpDesk 3 has a great client api integrated. You can integrate this into your own website where your client create a user or change their data or delete their user ...

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Cloud Desk 3 - API for Clients

CloudDesk 3 has a great client api integrated. You can integrate this into your own website where your client create a user or change their data or delete their user profile. You need curl installed on your ...

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HelpDesk 3 - Client API V2

Since HelpDesk 3 Version 3.5 we have updated the client api. It is now again compatible with PHP 7.2 and higher. You can integrate this into your own website where your client create a user or change their ...

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Cloud Desk 3 - Client API V2

From CloudDesk 3 Version 1.0.5 we have updated the client api to be compatible with PHP 7.2 and higher. You can integrate this into your own website where your client create a user or change their data or ...

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Facebook, Twitter, Skype and other Social Stuff

We often get contacted if we have integrated our professional Solutions with Social Platforms. The short answer is no and there is a good reason.Our software has been developed to provide professional support ...

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Regarding Contact Form

Hi,I want to know i have created a contact form at backend so how could i integrate the same at the frontend.ThanksGaurav

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New form integration

Hi, I have tried to find out how do i integrate a new form into a buton as a link? i have created the form and been saved but i dont know how to generate a link so that i can add it to the ( demo reguest ) ...

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Integrate Live Chat in my Website

Hello,as agreed, we bought your plugin. how to integrate your plugin on my website. how to integrate HELPDESK / LIVE CHAT on my website. for cats in the footer? How have the French to the admin panel? FEEDBACK ...

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Using the app

Hello, I would like to know how I can integrate Live Chat 3 with the andriod app to link all the chat operators to the visitors?Thanks,

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15 result(s) were found.