

Your search string: e-mail

Ubuntu 14.04 and Virtualmin Part 3

Welcome to our last part of how to install Virtualmin/Webmin on Ubuntu 14.04.Should you have missed part 1 and part 2 you can read it here.In the last part we will cover how to setup your Nameserver, domain, ...

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CMS 2.1

Happy 4th of April! We are proud to release CMS 2.1 with a brand new template called Mosaic, CMS now offers 2 templates within the package with almost unlimited options. We have not just added a new template ...

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HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.5

HelpDesk 3 - Version 3.5 is finally available!It has been a very long process and it was harder then we thought. There has been so many requests and ideas for this major release, we could not resist to build ...

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SMTP Email Settings

With live chat Business and WebSocket you have the possibility to send emails via PHP Mail() or SMTP. Standard after installation is PHP Mail() which will work fine in 99%, however some clients prefer to send ...

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DB Host and DB Port

Possible DB_HOST valuesDifferent hosting companies use different network settings for their mysql databases. If your hosting company is listed below in the left column, the value on the right is similar to the ...

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Email to Ticket with Virtualmin

Removed in HelpDesk Version 1.9, please use PHP Imap.Because virtualmin is a bit different to setup Email to Tickets or also called email piping we have here a step by step guide how to setup this feature in ...

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HelpDesk - Web Project SMTP / Mail()

Since HelpDesk 1.9 each Web Project can have his own SMTP connection. Web project A will receive and send emails from address A, Web project B will receive and send emails from the email address B.You can ...

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Email Adresses, PHP Imap and SMTP

HelpDesk 3 has many options like sending emails via PHP Mail(), SMTP or fetch email accounts to create tickets and so on.Very important is that you do not mix or use the same email address for the same ...

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Sending Transcript / Chat Conversation

Sending or requesting the chat transcript after ending the chat is possible for both sides, the client and the operator.Client SideFirst you will need to make sure that the client can request the chat ...

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Debug SMTP Connection

We often get asked for support about SMTP connections, sadly there is not much we can do about it. All the information you need will be provided from your email provider.With the newest release (from 15th of ...

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PHP IMAP with Google, Microsoft and Yahoo

How to setup a PHP IMAP connection with Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. A question we often get asked, and most of you think it is not possible because all of them have made OAuth mandatory for their ...

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Forgot Password

The forgot password function in Light, Business and Websocket is not working when used with other than the english language.That bug has been fixed and will be included within the next release.If you can't ...

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live chat installed in a subdomain

Hi Jérôme, nice to meet you. I tried the solution you mentioned in your email, open the include/db.php and replace the subdomain for just the mail domain but that didn't solve the problem, url are ...

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E-mails coming from Root@localhost

I just installed and did some testing. When I create tickets and reply to tickets the e-mails being sent out are showing it is coming from Root@localhost. I have my e-mail settings set to SMTP as I would like ...

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Marked as suspicious and quarantined items

hello,I received this mail from server's antivirus:PATH: /home*/*/public_html/ /var/www/html/ /usr/local/apache/htdocs/RANGE: 1 daysTOTAL FILES: 4508TOTAL HITS: 2TOTAL CLEANED: 0FILE HIT ...

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user logged

whether it is a button to add a variable user logged in to the client had immediately set the name you see the administrator?e.g:/index.php?p=start&;lang=pl&slide=2or in some other way?

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SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host

Hi, I just installed Live Chat Business and I am not receiveing emails from the offline contact form. Tried using either Mail() or SMTP. If I use SMTP after a few seconds I receive the error: SMTP Error: Could ...

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Fetch emails with IMAP

Hello,I just installed the script on one of my sites, but I can't seem to get the fetching emails with imap working. I run the cron job to ping but nothing comes in.My ...

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Email notification for new or changed ticket?

I have the HelpDesk 1.8 installed, and would like to get a notificatuion via email when a customer adds a new ticket in the HelpDesk AND when the customer updates the ticket.I have tried to add an email to the ...

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helpdesk 1.9.6 updating from old versions

Hello Jakweb team,In regards to helpdesk. I seem to manage it for the bugs I encountered, when I upgraded from old 1.5 version to 1.9.6. My issues began 3 days ago, but I think I have it covered now.Here are ...

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E-mail IMAP

Jerome,How do I view received emails for IMAP email configured?Thanks

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