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Thank you very much for your trust in our installation service. Please select the correct option above: No Option = Live Chat 3 The rest should be self explainedInstallation service includes:Installation ...

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Apache htaccess

A few redirects for your root directory if your server is running on apache.Your .htaccess file should start with following two lines:RewriteEngine onRewriteOptions MaxRedirects=1Now we have different rules ...

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Ubuntu 14.04 and Virtualmin Part 1

Today we will show you how to install virtualmin on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 running on a vps with the new services like digitalocean or vultr.Virtualmin is free and licensed under the GPL license, with Virtualmin ...

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Ubuntu 14.04 and Virtualmin Part 2

Welcome to our second part of how to install Virtualmin on Ubuntu 14.04 and run your own web hosting environment.Missed the first part? Read it here.Your server is up and running but not quite finished yet. In ...

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Ubuntu 14.04 and Virtualmin Part 3

Welcome to our last part of how to install Virtualmin/Webmin on Ubuntu 14.04.Should you have missed part 1 and part 2 you can read it here.In the last part we will cover how to setup your Nameserver, domain, ...

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Live Chat Business 1.4

We are happy to announce the release of Live Chat Business 1.4, great new features and many things have been improved.Button WizardYou can forward clients to certain pages now. The brand new button wizard will ...

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XML Sitemap - SEO

We have started a new service called search engine optimisation or short SEO (shut down) and the best part for now it is absolutely free.With over 47 seo and website tools we have great collection that will be ...

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Business One Page

Ready for a Freebie? Our Business One Page based on the latest Bootstrap 4 is now available for download. It comes in 6 different colour schemes and with a fully working contact form of course. We have also ...

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Live Chat 3 / 3.3.2

Happy to announce the availability of Live Chat 3 - Version 3.3.2. This is mainly a bug fix release and we suggest to update as quick as possible via Auto Updater or download the package from our download area ...

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LCPS 1.0.2

We are proud to release Live Chat PHP Server 1.0.2, great improvements in design, speed and usuability.The client administration panel has received the new features you have requested. It will now show the ...

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LCPS 1.0.3

We are proud to release Live Chat PHP Server 1.0.3, faster, better and resource savings.We have improved the administration panel and fixed a few bugs.Change Log Administration Console Fixed dashboad with ...

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Button Control - HelpDesk

HelpDesk will give you a lot of options how and where you can place the live chat button without any coding knowledge.You have three/four options for buttons: slide out. slide up. button with slide up and pop ...

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Installation Guide

Please note this is a guide for our old product Live Chat. Check the correct FAQ category for each product for further help. Also there is a complete user manual and installation video included in the download ...

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Full Site Domain

Design or website is not working correctly when pointing to the admin/operators panel! Please define your url in the include/db.php:// Define your site url, for example: ...

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DB Host and DB Port

Possible DB_HOST valuesDifferent hosting companies use different network settings for their mysql databases. If your hosting company is listed below in the left column, the value on the right is similar to the ...

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Email to Ticket / Pipe

Removed in HelpDesk Version 1.9, please use PHP Imap.With HelpDesk it is possible to convert emails to tickets. With each server control panel the setup is slightly different, however within HelpDesk the setup ...

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Email to Ticket with Virtualmin

Removed in HelpDesk Version 1.9, please use PHP Imap.Because virtualmin is a bit different to setup Email to Tickets or also called email piping we have here a step by step guide how to setup this feature in ...

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One license - Cloud Chat 3

One license includes Cloud Chat 3 (Live Chat Server), Sign Up page, Administration panel and an included support/news system will not stop your business from growing. The license is licensed to you (Domain). ...

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Mobile Apps - Cloud Chat 3

Cloud Chat 3 has been build and designed for mobile devices, therefore you don't need a native application as it works perfect without.However native mobile apps for iOS and Android are now available, read ...

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Live Chat 3 with Cloud Chat 3

Live Chat 3 has been designed that it can be used with Cloud Chat 3When you use Advanced installation and a customer of you signs up for access you will receive an email with instructions how to setup the ...

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HelpDesk 3 with Cloud Chat 3

HelpDesk 3 has been designed that it can be used with Cloud Chat 3.When you use Advanced installation and a customer of you signs up for access you will receive an email with instructions how to setup the ...

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live chat installed in a subdomain

Hi Jérôme, nice to meet you. I tried the solution you mentioned in your email, open the include/db.php and replace the subdomain for just the mail domain but that didn't solve the problem, url are ...

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CMS 1.4 - Sitemap, lost link

Hi Jerome,Test the entire functionality on the website link removedI do not know why, and what I did wrong, but disappeared me a link to sitemap.I have in footer links to sitemap. Yesterday has link ...

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JAKWEB HelpDesk Bridge Pluign on different domain

Hi Support,If I have my wordpress and helpdesk softwware on different domain and Server, can we still use this JAKWEB HelpDesk Bridge plugin?

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htaccess and more errors

Hi Support,the installation hasn't gone as smothly as it seems to and I'm getting a lot of errors. My server details are below.Install Issues1. htacess is blank and I tried the code at ...

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Google Map API error

I've installed HelpDesk and in the Live Chat area (admin) I do not see the Google Map. I get following in the Console:js?sensor=false:32 Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapErrorSo it seams like there is an ...

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Fetch emails with IMAP

Hello,I just installed the script on one of my sites, but I can't seem to get the fetching emails with imap working. I run the cron job to ping but nothing comes in.My ...

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Wildcard Proactive

I need the Chat Engage Proactive as 1 to any page of the site that the client is .For example, if I have in my website a blog system , we add about 15 posts a day , I do not need to configure page to page the ...

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Mobile Phones

Odd problem. The live chat and departments all work great from a PC and a Tablet. But from a moblie phone Android (Not sure about iPhone) You can pull up the chat, put in your info and hit the Start Chat ...

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Hi I have created my buttons but when I run a page to check the status I seem to get the default icons that came with Live Chat. When I upload my buttons through the dashboard they get placed in ...

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Statistics Custom Range - Error 500

Hi. Im gettign an error 500 when I try to select a Custom date range in the Statistics page.This is what the error log says:[Tue Dec 06 17:50:07.089015 2016] [:error] [pid 31827] [client] PHP ...

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