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30 Days Support

After selling a dozen licenses with our new license strategy we had to change it slightly, means you get more now.We have now included 30 days support through our support tickets. In 99% of the support ...

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Ubuntu 14.04 and Virtualmin Part 3

Welcome to our last part of how to install Virtualmin/Webmin on Ubuntu 14.04.Should you have missed part 1 and part 2 you can read it here.In the last part we will cover how to setup your Nameserver, domain, ...

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Vanilla Javascript

There was a time in web development that when a website was powered with any Javascript it was bad, some people even blocked Javascript on the browser so it won't be executed. Today that would be ...

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HelpDesk 1.4

It is time for another update for our complete support solution. HelpDesk 1.4 is now available via our download area or use the Auto Updater in your operator panel.We would like to thank you once again for all ...

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XML Sitemap - SEO

We have started a new service called search engine optimisation or short SEO (shut down) and the best part for now it is absolutely free.With over 47 seo and website tools we have great collection that will be ...

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Live Chat 3 - Version 3.8.1

Live Chat 3 one of our best seller just received a new update and a brand new template for the client side. Ready now for the upcoming app updates and a much better heartbeat check for the operator.Modern ...

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Cloud Chat 3 - Version 2.4

Happy New Year and with a new release for Cloud Chat 3. It is now available in Version 2.4 and comes with many new features and updates.Complete Changelog Added a new payment gateway / 2checkout Added a ...

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Safari - Cross Site Tracking

We have released an emergency update for our products. Apple has published a new version of their browser and with this release they block everything what is not from the website itself.The browser has just ...

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HelpDesk 3 - WordPress Plugin

Happy Day for all WordPress Users, we have just released a new plugin for HelpDesk 3 and WordPress. The plugin has been rebuild completely and many new features have been added: User Synchronisation ...

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Live Chat 3 - WordPress Plugin

Happy Day Number Two for all WordPress Users, we have just released a new plugin for Live Chat 3 and WordPress. The plugin has been rebuild completely and many new features have been added: User ...

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WebSocket - Daemon with Upstart - Ubuntu / CentOS

With Ubuntu you should have upstart installed by default and therefore the daemon can be installed even easier.Create a new script file at: /etc/init/jakchat.conf with following content:# Infodescription Live ...

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Hook: php_admin_setting_post

Use this hook to execute PHP code in the admin/setting.php file.For example:if ($defaults['jak_lang'] == '') { $errors['e6'] = $tl['error']['e29']; }

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Blank Page

Should you get a blank page after uploading all files to your server and calling the installation wizard, something went obviously wrong but php error output is disabled by your host.Please refer to your ...

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PHP IMAP Fetch Emails

Since 1.6 it is possible to fetch one or multiple emails accounts and convert them into tickets.Minimum requirements on your server to run PHP IMAP: PHP IMAP extension installed. Cronjob to run every 10 ...

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HelpDesk - Web Project SMTP / Mail()

Since HelpDesk 1.9 each Web Project can have his own SMTP connection. Web project A will receive and send emails from address A, Web project B will receive and send emails from the email address B.You can ...

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Technical Support

Technical support period is activated starting from the day of the license purchase (when purchased in our online shop). You can ask an unlimited number of questions during the support period.Support ...

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Email to Tickets (PHP IMAP)

With HelpDesk 3 it is possible to fetch one or multiple emails accounts and convert them into tickets.IMPORTANT: Use a unique email address for the PHP IMAP, do not use this email address anywhere else or in ...

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Native Push Notifications not working

We receive many support tickets about our build in Push Notifications service in combination with our native iOS and Android apps.First it is important you register an account with us and add your purchase ...

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Apache - Header X-Frame SameOrigin

In case the chat widget does not appear it could be a problem with the apache settings itself.In this case please open browser console on the site you have placed the chat widget. Should you see following ...

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SameSite Cookie Error

The new cookie law is already set on certain browsers but don't worry our software is up to date and ready for it.However there are certain servers that are not ready for the new cookie law. Should your chat ...

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Why Permissions of 0777?

Ok so I just installed the system and there are a heap of directories and files all with open permissions. My web hosting security policy will not allow folders with 777 & files with 664 ...

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Quick Chat Message not saved.

Hello,Error:In the live chat, the first message sent by the client does not appearto the operator, please correct this problem, is possible soon?Improvement:In online chat, it is wonderful to have the default ...

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CMS 1.4 - troubleshooting

Hi Jerome,I have a problem with displaying pages and do not know where the problem is.I have category Kontakt (in english - Contact), pages for this category and If I click on Kontakt in Navbar, php server ...

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CMS 1.5 - FAQ plugin

Hi Jerome,other bug, now in FAQ plugin.If I create a sub-category in main category, so than then you can not delete a subcategory from main category.Error massage is:'Could not find or does not exist'

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CMS 1.5.1 - file manager

If I copy files throught FTP (Total Commander), so in first loading files in filemanager I have this error massageWarning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in ...

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Payment gateway settings

i get the following error message when i try to edit any of the payment option I receive following error.Warning: include_once(/home/gfmintl/public_html/plugins/ecommerce/admin/template/editpayment.php): ...

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Edit language error

Hi,I bought the CMS, everything is great, but when I click Edit Language an error:Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(../lang/gr.ini/) is not within the allowed path(s): ...

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Error when stop chating client side

Fatal error: Class 'LS_rewrite' not found in/home/gamerb6/public_html/supportcsgosm/stop.phpon line 219

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DB Error (Prefix)

While installing I receive this error below. Please helpDB ErrorMessage:MySQL Query fail: CREATE TABLE a-zautoproactive ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `path` varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `message` ...

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Live Chat Business

Dear SirError: Check URL link removedplease help how to Change settings. kindly solve it. Thank you

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