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Live Chat 3, Helpdesk or Cloud Chat 3. Live Communication that works! JUST DOMORE GET STARTED Stop installing bloated scripts that all do the ...

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Bootstrap CMS

Create beautiful websites with CMS. The best content management system based on the latest Bootstrap 3. Latest Version 2.3.3

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Bootstrap 3 - jQuery Password strength

We have designed a password meter for our products and here it is. Bootstrap 3 and jQuery is necessary to run the password strenght meter. Password Meter for Bootstrap 4 now available.Password indicators shown ...

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Welcome Page with Countdown

In this tutorial we create a sleek and simple welcome page with a countdown timer based on HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap. Because we are using Bootstrap it is simple and we have a guarantee it works in all major ...

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Ubuntu 14.04 and Virtualmin Part 3

Welcome to our last part of how to install Virtualmin/Webmin on Ubuntu 14.04.Should you have missed part 1 and part 2 you can read it here.In the last part we will cover how to setup your Nameserver, domain, ...

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Vanilla Javascript

There was a time in web development that when a website was powered with any Javascript it was bad, some people even blocked Javascript on the browser so it won't be executed. Today that would be ...

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Facebook Like Button

I'm sure you have seen the new facebook like button?! Like it?We do, actually that is one thing that has been asked for ages and finally they build it into the system. In this article we build a facebook like ...

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CMS 1.5

CMS 1.5 is now available, major improvements and a lot of bug fixes. As we grow quick, support questions, suggestions and feedback coming in on a daily base and of course we want to give you the best ...

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Envato Api Purchase Code

Envato was a great platform for templates, scripts and other great stuff from authors around the world. Sadly it has been changed to a place where the Author (Seller) is worth nothing.Neverless we have been a ...

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Ubuntu and SSH

Today we will give you a few important comand lines for your next SSH session you will need one day when you run your own server. Let's cut the text and get straight to work.Run updates for Ubuntusudo apt-get ...

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CMS 2.0

29.02.2016You will remember that date because it changed the way how we build and manage websites in the future.CMS 2.0We are pleased to announce the availability of CMS 2.0. The best and easiest way to build ...

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XML Sitemap - SEO

We have started a new service called search engine optimisation or short SEO (shut down) and the best part for now it is absolutely free.With over 47 seo and website tools we have great collection that will be ...

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WebSocket - Protect PHP Daemon

When running a PHP Dameon it is important that it will be run only thru CLI (ssh, command line) and never from a browser (security risk).You have two options to protect the files from accessing from a ...

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WebSocket - Daemon with Upstart - Ubuntu / CentOS

With Ubuntu you should have upstart installed by default and therefore the daemon can be installed even easier.Create a new script file at: /etc/init/jakchat.conf with following content:# Infodescription Live ...

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How big is CMS?

CMS is very lightweight and super fast! It is straight forward and does not contain any unnecessary files or blown up functions. In fact CMS packed as a ZIP file is only around 4MB, have you every seen a ...

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What can I do with CMS?

CMS is a software to build modern websites based on HTML5 and CSS3 and Bootstrap 3.You can do almost anything with CMS, because it is not blown up with any unnecessary functions it is a perfect platform for ...

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Hook: php_admin_fulltext_add

Use this hook to execute PHP code in the admin/setting.php file.For example:$jakdb->query('ALTER TABLE '.DB_PREFIX.'pages ADD FULLTEXT(`title`, `content`)');

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Hook: tpl_page

This hook is located in template/yourtemplate/page.php and will be executed between title and content.You can include a file, for example:plugins/yourplugin/template/page.php

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CMS and htaccess (Seo)

If you server is running on Apache you can use the build in optimisation for short url's. This gives you the possibilities to have shorter and cleaner URL's and a better search engine performance.To use the ...

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Setup your first Plugin

After installing your plugin (see FAQ Article - Install your first plugin), most of the time you have to setup user-group permissions and plugin settings.When you download a plugin from the CMS website there ...

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Create your own Template

Any content management system is only as good as your own template/mydesign. I'm sure you want your own design associated with your business or brand.The easiest way to start is to duplicate the existing file ...

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Protect _files Directory

Protect all your folders with read, write and execute permission if you can! You should protect your _files directory best way would be if your server can handle directory with permission lower than 0777. This ...

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CMS 1.4.1 - help for sidebar position

Hi Jerome,I think it would be useful to create help for sidebar position in each page. An why?If I use settings for Sidebar position in style switcher, than Sidebar location in each page does not work. I think ...

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CMS 1.4.2 - access only to part of the content

Hi Jerome,I understand that each page has access rights according to user groups.How do I set access rights to content?For exampleI have page 'home' with content:<p>Text one is only for user-group ...

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CMS 1.5 - feedback

Hi Jerome,many thanks for your works on new CMS 1.5.My feedback:- Fixed languages for plugins ( WORKS PERFERCT)- Improved SEO, category description are now visible in meta description (WORKS ...

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CMS 1.5 - blog is out

Hi Jerome,I testing Blog and loud outage. I do not understand why everything worked perfectly.Menu and page content is out Download files with html source code ...

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What is this area

Hi, I am wondering what this area is at the bottom, these two boxes did not show until I started working with the faqs:image has been removed, question about web projects selection.Is there content that is ...

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CMS 2.1 - Plugin Blog

Hi Jerome,Blog has no restore content :-( :-(:-(( This is big problem.

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Add new index template

Hello, ive been able to add a new link to the menu and want to make a new page template with content. How can this be done?I have created the hotel list file in ...

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Edit Front Text -> Home Below edit create 403 error

HiGetting 403 ForbiddenAccess to this resource on the server is deniedon the following pageEdit Front Text -> Home Below.Edit the content > Save403 error.Other pages work

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helpdesk 1.9.6 updating from old versions

Hello Jakweb team,In regards to helpdesk. I seem to manage it for the bugs I encountered, when I upgraded from old 1.5 version to 1.9.6. My issues began 3 days ago, but I think I have it covered now.Here are ...

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Can’t achieve last step of installation wizard

Hello,Please note that the followings were done on a remote server ; with domain name that I only use to test scripts installation :I created a website (subdomain) and a database from control panelI removed ...

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