Support Tickets - Error when stop chating client side

Error when stop chating client side

HelpDesk 16.01.2016 2801 Bug Report Status: Closed Solution: Yes skywarrior

Fatal error: Class 'LS_rewrite' not found in/home/gamerb6/public_html/supportcsgosm/stop.phpon line 219

Replies (3)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a suppor ticket.

    We have checked and we can confirm the bug, it will be fixed within the next release.

    Quickfix for now, please open the stop.php file and find:

    jak_redirect(html_entity_decode(LS_rewrite::lsParseurl('start', $page1, $page2, '', '')));

    replace with:

    jak_redirect(html_entity_decode(JAK_rewrite::lsParseurl('start', $page1, $page2, '', '')));

    Thank you for the report.

    16.01.2016 0
  • avatar skywarrior

    Fixed thanks :)

    19.01.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for the feedback.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    19.01.2016 0