Support Tickets - Remove Copyright Link (copyright free license)

Remove Copyright Link (copyright free license)

Cloud Chat 3 28.09.2017 5423 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes buildandpublish


Make no mistake this is no support request this is a license problem, I believe that each and every person has the right to get what they have paid for regardless if it's a penny or £10,000.

The powered by text on my dash board should not be there, this is because I brought your live chat hosted solution without a powered by link.

Please can you tell me how to remove it?  I have placed the correct license number in after a brand new install losing over 300 customers.

This is a liense issue.

Mark Pearce

Or give me a call on =44 1803 900 101 to discuss it.

Replies (1)

  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    sure you can remove the back link to our site with the right license.

    We do not offer the package to download without a our link for various reasons. One reason is if someone removes the copyright itself he is responsible for it.

    To remove the copyright from the administration panel, which no user has access to it you will need to modify following file: admin/template/footer.php

    The link visible to your customers has already been changed, however in the future you will find it in the include/db.php file of your Cloud Chat 3 installation.

    I will change this ticket back to support because it is not really a bug rather a support question, more information about this can be found on our technical support sheet:

    Have a great day.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    29.09.2017 10