I have installed the helpdesk 1.2 but am still having some issues I'm hoping are an easy fix today. I'm confident the first issue has something to do with my db.php file but after trying a number of options I still can't figure it out. It would help if I could send you screenshots or the file, maybe I can respond to an email with those once I hear from you.
FYI, on the install screen everything was on the server was green and setup properly. Here is the login so you can take a look.
Information removed
Thank you for opening a support ticket.
You need to use single quotes:
After that change HelpDesk 1.2 will work as expected.
Hello. Sorry, somehow I do not understand as I thought I do have single quotes. What is shown below is how I have it in the file, doesn't that look exactly like yours? Please bear with me if this is something obvious I'm missing.
define('FULL_SITE_DOMAIN', ‘accurpress.com’);
This are not single quotes, check carefully, they have an angle they should be vertical.
Okay, great. Thanks for your prompt response that first issue is fixed.
However, other logged in operators still don't show up on the list so there is no way to direct chat or see who is logged in. That is one of our most important needs, what do you think?
Currently I have three operators logged in on two computers. The login for the primary admin is on the ticket if you would like to take a look. There are a few other breaks too that might be associated.
Thanks again. Once I get these concerns worked out I won't take up more of your time.
First issue please check within the files you edited (maybe only the db.php) you have stranded "d" somewhere.
Please fix that first, because I think that is causing the issue you have.
Excellent. I was going to ask about the "d" next, but I found it in the db.php file like you mentioned and that fixed the operators not showing up along with other smaller concerns.
Looks great, I'm excited to use this helpdesk!
Thanks again for the quick support.
Hi Jerome, one last thing. It looks like the support document that links to the helpdesk-Buttons FAQ page is linked to the wrong place. Is there somewhere else I can figure out to place the live chat button on a website and link it to the helpdesk?
That should be the last step. Thank you.
You need to go to the operator panel - Settings - Buttons and create the live chat button for your website. That won't link to the wrong place.
Great, thanks again.
If I wanted to remove the "Help" category from the top nav which file should be edited?
Good Morning,
Please edit following file: operator/template/header.php.
Have a great day.
Great, thank you.
There is one more important thing I cannot seem to figure out, how can I set the audio alerts to work when an operator gets a direct message? I can open a new support ticket if you would prefer.
Also, I'm about to rate this with full stars on envato I just hadn't gotten to it. You have excellent support.
Hi Brett,
Operator chat does have a blinking status but no sound, you can edit following file to get a sound. Please open operator/js/operator.chat.js and find:
replace with:
You might need to empty your browser cache after uploading the file to your server or refresh the page a couple of times.
Great thank you.
In the Latest Feed secion, when it says "New Ticket has been created, #3", How can we get that to show the ticket title or subject along with the #3?
For example, "New ticket has been created: #3 Standard Iron". Where standard Iron is currently the subject for ticket #3.
If I need to pay some for your additional help that is fine.
That would need quite a bit of modifications to show the title. It can be possible of course, but needs about one hour to change all the files.
Hi Jerome,
I would be happy to pay your hourly rate to get this done. It will become an important part of the dashboard for us. If you please work on it I can gaurantee payment.
Good Morning,
Your changes have been sent to you by email with all the instructions, I will close that ticket please open a new one should you have anymore questions.
Thanks again and have a nice day.
*** Ticket closed ***