Support Tickets - Live Chat - IE Bug

Live Chat - IE Bug

Live Chat 3 15.09.2017 2431 Bug Report Status: Closed Solution: Yes mark_doyle

Hi Jerome,

Just reporting a bug. When you navigate to a page where I have the widget installed in IE or Edge the page loads and then it seems as though it does a refresh, see This behaviour does not happen in Chrome. I have the latest version 3.3 installed. When I remove the widget the page loads without it looking as if the page refreshes. I have checked this out on 3 different PCs. Any ideas? I know my support has expired but I am sure you appreciate a bug report without having me resort to extending my support package.

Kind regards.


Replies (2)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your report, we can confirm it. It has been fixed and will be included within the next release.

    Thanks again for the bug report.

    15.09.2017 0
    • avatar mark_doyle

      Thank you Jerome.

      15.09.2017 0