Trying to the chat button to look same as the demo.
I have the following code on the page:
When I use these, nothing appears at all. I just want it exactly the same as the demo. Same graphic and same slide up when opened action...exact same. Thanks!
Thank you for opening a support ticket.
you need to copy the chat code right before the ending body tag not above all the javascript files, otherwise the chat is missing the jQuery library.
That is where it is.
It works?
No it was above all the javascript files.
Please send me FTP and Operator Login access.
Login information removed.
Please send me FTP connection, something is totally wrong with your file and folder permission.
Information removed
I have changed to code in the back end and cleared the cache it works now.
You also have to use cross domain as option because you run the chat on a different domain (sub domain).
perfect! thanks so much for your help!
No problem, should you have more questions please open another support ticket.
*** Ticket closed ***