Print how many operators ??
Cloud Chat 3 12.08.2017 2373 Support Status: Open Solution: Yes buildandpublish
Good eveing,I have made this public since their maybe othewrs who would like to know this.On the dash board under Additional operators I would Like to print for the user the amount of operators a client has.For example.."Mark, you have 3 Operators on your team, add more by selecting how many from the drop down box".I would be grateful as my friend would be who also have your script / service if you could place the code sample below, it was also a feature request but I do need it.Many thanks for your advanced help for myself and other users.
I would just like to say that there were spaces between lines but for some reason the above turned out like junple junk.
This question has been here for sometime.
When I read your send answer I think you found a solution. I don't know what do you mean by junple junk.
You can use following var to display how many operators the customer has available:
We will see what we can do within the next release.