Support Tickets - Slider covering the website pages

Slider covering the website pages

HelpDesk 04.08.2017 2674 Support Status: Open Solution: No jfeuzeu

Hello,1) When an operator opens each page on the website (, the  slider (I have a customed HD) covers the far right of the website everytime, and this is annoying when changing pages. try to login with these credentials to see: user: teach1   psw: demo it possible to auto-resize the website so that, when the HD slider opens up, it fits on the far right of the screen? 2) There is an empty space only at the bottom of the footer on this main page of Not sure if this is related to HD or its configuration. I have created a staging server (duplicate of the site for development and testings) here and it doesn't have that much space a the bottom of it's footer. Not sure if it's because HD is not operational on the stating server. Jerome is aware of these issues.Sincerely,Jacques

Replies (57)

  • avatar Maria

    Thank you very much for opening a support ticket with us.

    We have received a notification from Jérôme about the issues you have with your custom slider.

    As this is a custom slider (custom modifications) plus your account has no access to support we can't do much.

    You will need to activate your account by extending your support access to HelpDesk. Please go to our shop: and select support access for HelpDesk in the dropdown. After purchase we are more than happy to have a look into the issue you have.

    Please note, that you have selected that this ticket is public. Please do not post any login credentials in all our tickets, if we need login details we will provide a form to submit crucial data.

    Thank you very much.

    04.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Maria,

    I extended the support. Thanks for looking into this. Also, could you make this ticket private?



    07.08.2017 0
  • avatar Maria

    Thank you very much for your purchase.

    We will have a look into it as soon as possible and get back to you.

    Thank you for your patience.

    07.08.2017 0
  • avatar Maria

    Good Morning and thank you very much for your patience.

    We have added a remember feature in your hd/slide_out/slide_out.js file. It also won't open anymore the first time, it stays closed.

    Please note that we usually do not implement custom work within our support agreement, in future we will need to send you a quote for it.

    Thank you very much for your understanding.

    More information about our support agreement can be found here:

    08.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    HI Maria,

    Could you check if the extra space under the footer on the main page ( please is caused by HD please?



    08.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Also, could you make the slider behave the same for all users, logged in or not? It seems to extend and cover any new page when minimized for non logged in user. 

    08.08.2017 0
  • avatar Maria

    That could be but it really belongs to a custom modification. Thank you for your understanding.

    Please check with Firefox or Chrome developer console and fix all the javascript bugs first, maybe that is the reason it behaves wrong.

    From the code side it works the same for guests and logged in users.

    08.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Could you please debug that? Nobody else, besides Jerome, work on my custom modification, made my Jerome. 

    08.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    if an operator log in or is available, the slider extends everytime a new page is opened by non login users as well. 

    08.08.2017 0
  • avatar Maria

    All the bugs come from WordPress or whatever plugins or system you use, therefore we cannot fix the issues, please talk to your webmaster.

    When all is green, please come back to us.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    08.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Maria,

    The problem under the footer has been fixed. Could you please fix the issue with the slider, that when minimized extends and covers each new page that a website visitor opens?

    Also, please use this password instead to access the files via FTP:  R2wet9*6



    10.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Also, Is it possible to make the slider opens automaticaly when an operator is available, but if minimized, it says minimized (even when the user navigates to new pages) until he/she decides to extend it?

    10.08.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Hi Jacques, thank you for your reply. You have a totally customised slider on your page which is not standard to our software. I don't know how long it will take to implement your requested features but we will need to charge you for it if it extends a quick look.

    HelpDesk Support covers following:

    Maria has already worked on your custom modifications for 30 minutes (which we won't charge), however any further work we need to send you a bill for it.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    10.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Jerome, That's OK. Also, can I have a copy of the "bird on a branch" that you have for your live chat? It looks very cool!

    10.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hello Maria,

    Any update?

    11.08.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    We will notify you when we start.

    11.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Sure Jerome. Please also check why the operator(s) is(are) taking a while to show in the slider when a logged in operator opens a new page. This started since Maria works. 

    Moreover, we started a conversation about the "Cloud Chat 3" and I'm still waiting for your response to my last email. Not sure this is the right place to have that conversation.

    12.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Furthemor Jerome, If you fell like making the fix now, before the new HD release (1/9/2017), could create a problem to update, then you can do the fix after the update.

    12.08.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome


    I have changed the behaviour of the opening. It will now open if an operator is online the first time, but when closed it stays closed. HelpDesk 3 is expected in September we hope we can manage it.

    Have a good Sunday.

    13.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Jerome, thx. Could you please check why after retracting the slider, opening a new page, and extending the slider, the operator doesn't show on the slider?

    13.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    I have to refresh that page before the operator can show. 

    13.08.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You have a stored cookie because you have visited the site before. You would need to empty all cookies and try again with a virgin browser.

    13.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Same behavior Jerome, after I have cleared the browser history. I still have to refresh that page before the operator can show in the slider, after retracting the slider, opening a new page, and extending the slider. 

    13.08.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please try again now.

    13.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Jerome, still not showing the operator. You could test it as well: 1) login as an operator, 2) minimize the chat, 3) open a new page, 4) extend the chat; You will see that the operator is not showing in the chat until you refresh the webpage.

    13.08.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Can you please fix the issues from your WordPress installation there are so many it prevents to load the site correctly.

    Just to let you know, the sites is 4mb big and takes about 30 seconds to load from Spain (normal internet connection 10mb over 3G at this moment).

    I have changed a few things and it should work now, but please make sure you fix the errors you have coming from WP and your Plugins.

    13.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    It works now Jerome, thanks. Sure Jerome will look into why the website is slow. I know that I have not optimized it yet, but it should still be faster for an 8 cores server. 

    13.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Also, do you have someone in your office who can fix all these errors? I will pay for that. 

    13.08.2017 0
  • avatar Salah

    Hello jfeuzeu, i can fix it. Has Jerome already named you a price?

    15.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    He has not yet, not sure if he has the time for that. I'm about to lunch that site and would like those problems fix before the lunch. 

    15.08.2017 0
  • avatar Salah

    Just give me your login data for the wordpress admin (wp-admin) I will take a look up there and then tell you how long it takes approx. 

    You can find our prices for custom modifications here:

    15.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu
    Wordpress login

    username : jfeuzeu_r62s12c6    Psw: SvlM2Tl*&pTsVL6b1HFKayN4

    15.08.2017 0
  • avatar Salah

    I guess i need 3 - 5 hours for all

    15.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    I had no idea it will expensive. 

    15.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Let me try using optimizing plugins first to see if there will be a significant improvement. 

    15.08.2017 2
  • avatar Salah

    Hi jfeuzeu, I need again the access data to wordpress because you have changed them. :-)

    17.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Salah, I have my developer looking into it. Is your request for HD or for the Optimization?

    17.08.2017 0
  • avatar Salah

    For optimizing

    17.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    I was communicating directly with Jerome on this via private email. I shared this issue with my developer as well and he is looking into it. I'm not sure, if he is comfortable with this at all. I will let Jerome know and he will revert to you. 

    17.08.2017 1
  • avatar Salah

    All right. :-)

    17.08.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hello Salah, l think we can proceed when you're ready. Do you want only WP access or you also need Plesk or FTP credentials?

    02.09.2017 0
  • avatar Salah

    hi, the wordpress access data should be enough

    04.09.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Oh sorry, I missed your message. 

    07.09.2017 1
  • avatar Jerome

    I have removed your credentials, please do never post login credentials in a ticket.

    Always use our secure form:

    Thank you very much.

    07.09.2017 0
  • avatar Salah

    thank you for the informations, I'll soon take a look at everything. :-)

    09.09.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    sure, thanks!

    10.09.2017 0
  • avatar Salah

    Hello jfeuzeu, the login for wp-admin is no longer correct?

    12.09.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu


    Please use the one on the secured document. I had to change it since Jerome said that I should not send the credential on ticket. 

    12.09.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Salah,

    Any progress?

    16.09.2017 0
  • avatar Salah

    Good morning jfeuzeu, I am very sorry that you have to wait so long, I will deliver a result within the next 48 hours.

    21.09.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Not a problem, thanks.

    21.09.2017 0
  • avatar Salah

    Are you satisfied? The page is now faster, the problem solved in the footer and some other things. After sleeping, I will make a few things more.

    22.09.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Salah, I'm not sure it's different. The speed test report seems the same:!/enpyvi/

    26.09.2017 0
  • avatar Salah

    Its different i cant do more at wordpress itself, check the html, css files etc. if you want more speed please send me a email to with your plesk access for this page and I'll see what I can do more.

    03.10.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Salah,

    I sent the Plesk credentials to the email that you provided. Also, have you enable the compressions?



    05.10.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    email bounced back with this email address:

    05.10.2017 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Salah,

    The compression has been enabled via ssh, it you were having problems compressing the files. 


    08.10.2017 0