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Live Chat 3 24.07.2017 2405 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes dntmedia

I just cut one of our clients over to LC3 and the first report I got back is they like it but they have a problem using the mobile app... it apparently logs them off livechat when the phone goes to sleep. 

Is this is expected result or is there a setting they are missing somewhere?

Replies (8)

  • avatar Jerome

    That is correct. The app will turn the operator offline when hidden or phone goes to sleep.

    They should use the business hours in their profile to make sure they show online when they want to.

    24.07.2017 0
  • avatar dntmedia

    Sent that onto them and I have some feedback from them on their problems. I'm several states away from there, so I'm putting things together as best I can.

    1. There is one user who cannot see the online operators list. I just verified this with her on the phone. Three users (me, Heather, and Tammy) were logged in and I could see the other two on the dashboard as could Heather. Tammy could not see either of us.

    2. Whenever Tammy is online in a chat and goes to another page to get an asnwer, it shows she left the conversation and then came back. Which isn't a huge deal in my opinion but it apparently matters a lot to them.

    3. They've got office hours setup but the question that was given to me was when it's outside of everyone's office hours, will the chat show no one is available?

    4. This is my presumption and knowing what I know about apps, I think this is right. The idea of using push notifications is when someone wants to chat and no one is on their computer, it sends a push so that the person or people on duty know to login and answer the chat. Is that correct?

    24.07.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your questions.

    1. Please check the operator permission, does this user have the same permissions as the other two?

    2. Is tammy an operator or a client? In the operator panel - settings you can change the "Mark client as left after x seconds" option. Make sure it has at least 300.

    3. It will show a contact form instead of a login form. It is also possible to hide the chat when nobody is online.

    4. That is correct.

    24.07.2017 0
  • avatar dntmedia

    I'll check 1 - I didn't create her account.

    2. Tammy is an operator.

    3. So here's what they want. They want to have a pool of people operating during the day using either desktops or phones. They also want a designated person "on call" after hours on specific nights (e.g. Tammy on Monday night, Heather on Tuesday, etc). How do that accomplish that in the confines of your system?

    4. That's what I thought... from one developer to another, that's brilliant.

    24.07.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    2. There should not be any messages that the operator has left. I can switch between pages or apps on my phone and nothing goes to the client. Same on desktop, however we use native apps on our desktops.

    3. Set that with Business Hours also, it will only send a push to the operators where business hours are set. For example set Tammy on Nightshift with Business Hours on Monday and Heather on Tuesday and so on...

    24.07.2017 0
  • avatar dntmedia

    Is there a native app they can use? 

    24.07.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    For desktop it has to be created for there personal URL.

    24.07.2017 0