Cloud Chat 3 20.07.2017 2672 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes rjvandieperbeek
Hi Jerome,
When people login to my dashboard the front is english Extend acces advanced bla bla bla i want to translate this to dutch because most of people are Dutch.
Also for advanced installation some text in Dashboard is english Hello user thanks for using Live chat. Also I want to tranlate this into dutch.
What are the cost if I give you the translation to set it in dutch?
Also I know you can change language in NL but also the option ansers and text is not translated when you set dashboard to dutch.
Please let me know!!!
You will need to translate the file:
Our minimum for custom modifications are 25 USD / 30 minutes and that is what we need to set the phrases.
Awesome Jerome and for Advanced?
It is the same file of course but under the advanced instalation.
Awesome! But first I need the translation done by me... so can I send the translation by email?
Sure, should you want that we integrate it please purchase our custom modifications service (1 hour in total). The translation can be sent by email.
Yes you must integrate it, because I will spam you again with wrong . , etc....
First I will wait for the new update Live chat 3, I hope it will be auto update..... otherwise do you have an FAQ only for update manually live chat 3 that you just update it
But when you replace the EN dashboard to NL How to get EN back for Cloud chat 3?