Support Tickets - Translate Dashboard Live Chat 3 en Cloud chat 3

Translate Dashboard Live Chat 3 en Cloud chat 3

Cloud Chat 3 20.07.2017 2672 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes rjvandieperbeek

Hi Jerome,

When people login to my dashboard the front is english Extend acces advanced bla bla bla i want to translate this to dutch because most of people are Dutch.

Also for advanced installation some text in Dashboard is english Hello user thanks for using Live chat. Also I want to tranlate this into dutch.

What are the cost if I give you the translation to set it in dutch?

Also I know you can change language in NL but also the option ansers and text is not translated when you set dashboard to dutch.

Please let me know!!!

Replies (8)

  • avatar Jerome

    You will need to translate the file:


    Our minimum for custom modifications are 25 USD / 30 minutes and that is what we need to set the phrases.

    20.07.2017 0
  • avatar rjvandieperbeek

    Awesome Jerome and for Advanced?

    20.07.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    It is the same file of course but under the advanced instalation.

    20.07.2017 0
  • avatar rjvandieperbeek

    Awesome! But first I need the translation done by me... so can I send the translation by email?

    20.07.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Sure, should you want that we integrate it please purchase our custom modifications service (1 hour in total). The translation can be sent by email.

    20.07.2017 0
  • avatar rjvandieperbeek

    Yes you must integrate it, because I will spam you again with wrong . , etc.... embarassed

    20.07.2017 0
  • avatar rjvandieperbeek

    First I will wait for the new update Live chat 3, I hope it will be auto update..... otherwise do you have an FAQ only for update manually live chat 3 that you just update it

    20.07.2017 0
  • avatar rjvandieperbeek

    But when you replace the EN dashboard to NL How to get EN back for Cloud chat 3?

    20.07.2017 0