Support Tickets - Support Tickets Status

Support Tickets Status

Cloud Chat 3 18.07.2017 2359 Feedback Status: Closed Solution: Yes buildandpublish


So by the other "resolved" ticket I am taking that as if you feel it's resolved then it doesn't really matter if I think it's not? 

I don't get how that works, Okay thank you for your time and continued effort making Cloud chat 3 even better than it already is.

Kind regards


Replies (1)

  • avatar Jerome

    Ok, I try to explain it step by step.

    1. Client sends a ticket from his login
    2. You will see the new ticket in the dashboard of your administration panel
    3. When you reply to the ticket it will remove from your dashboard
    4. The client however will have a notification by email and the bell will have a new message in his dashboard.
    5. Now if he reads the ticket and it is solved for him all good, if not he will reply and the whole thing starts from the beginning.
    18.07.2017 0