Support Tickets - custom field/web project id

custom field/web project id

HelpDesk 18.12.2015 3181 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes jonathan

hey jerome,

you may remember we spoke the other day re helpdesk system, i really hope you dont mind but i wanted to ask you if there was a quick way to add a new ticket to a specific web project id... something like &wp=ID

possibly same way you did your option's in this ticket.

any thoughts would be really great? i was trying to do this instead of adding a custom feild which is 1 extra field that i needed via which i was going to have it auto filled in via ?piping=answer method

i did try api way but got a white page so thought i would do it the proper way with you


Replies (9)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a support ticket.

    This is you quick link to a support department of your choice.


    Where ssp is your department ID.

    18.12.2015 0
  • avatar jonathan

    thanks jerome but what about Web projects as this is best way we can seperate different projects?

    18.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Web Projects and support departments are linked, it means you cannot open a ticket to a web project only.

    Create a Web Project, create unlimited support departments for that web project. You can link them direct to the support department and it will be in the correct web project.

    18.12.2015 0
  • avatar jonathan

    maybe its the wrong way ive explained so let me try:

    we simply need to be able to send a customer support ticket for a number of different projects, we throught web projects made sense to able to sepearate these requests so we can easily and clearly see what site the customer is asking for support for?

    seems silly to make multiple departments all called the same thing 'customer support' just to declare which project to associate too, thats why we was hoping to do this via the url.. e.g &wp=webprojectid

    also even if we did make a number of duplicates (not ideal) i notice we cant link directly to &ssp=1 or &ssp=2 as it just remembers the original request instead of going by the url id inluded in the url.

    its something i really need to do and saw this as a easy option with helpdesk instead of adding this entry as a custom feild.

    would be great for your thoughts here

    18.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Ok, now I understand I hope. :)

    In your case if you only have one support department for each web project it would make sense to have one web project and several deparments wihin that web projects.

    My Company Name = Web Project

    • website1 = support department
    • website2 = support department
    • website3 = support department

    That way it is still clear where the support tickets belong to and it is easy to manage via operators in your HelpDesk.

    18.12.2015 0
  • avatar jonathan

    i tried it your way with 1 web project as default and 3 departments which could work, it still seems a little overkill, but the issue still remains that i cant link to the ID directly, surely there is something i can take out the php file perhaps.

    Its this way or simply adding 1 custom field within the 'create ticket' and then its good to go, possibly you could give me a few step by steps to add a custom feild which im happy to do in DB and PHP

    18.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    If you have only one web project there is no reason to link to the web project, because there is only one.

    Ok, let's start again. Please tell me what you like to achieve in details.

    18.12.2015 0
  • avatar jonathan

    ok i see this now. thining this over its best i just add a custom feild into the form (via DB/PHP) and then i can leave eveything else in tact. rather than work out what you know so easily knowing all your code if you could send me over email the best way to add this custom feild i can follow your guide to add it to the ticket form.

    18.12.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your answer, but custom modifications are not included within the support. It is impossible for us to include that into the normal support it would get out of control.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Now to clarify again, each support ticket has a web project and a support department. So the web project alone won't help you without the support department. You can set the web project with:


    And you can access the support ticket form via:


    That way you don't have to modify any code.

    18.12.2015 0