Support Tickets - Statistics bug 3.1

Statistics bug 3.1

Live Chat 3 24.06.2017 2131 Bug Report Status: Closed Solution: Yes apoxe

Hi jerome, i upgrade to latest 3.1 version and i found bugs

if i assign a operator statistics (not all)

in the Statistics page in Latest clients in map he can see all clients conections, not only department clients.

and can't see Statistics graps

and in superoperator mode if i apply a filter i can't see top 10 countries and button Statistics until i refresh page to see all.

have a great day.

Replies (3)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your feedback we will check and fix if necessary within the next release.

    24.06.2017 1
  • avatar apoxe


    Love the new login page :)

    24.06.2017 1
  • avatar Jerome

    Bug has been fixed in the upcoming release Version 3.2.

    Thank you very much for the report.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    12.07.2017 0