Support Tickets - Upload Button for Client Chat

Upload Button for Client Chat

HelpDesk 25.04.2017 2662 Support Status: Open Solution: No kemamurali

i try to upload the image form operator window but chat user cant see that image how to enable it ?

Replies (7)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a suppor ticket.

    Following rules when you create a support ticket:

    • Tags are not here to miss use it. Use 1-5 tags important keyworkds only
    • Title of your ticket should be short and not a whole sentence you can describe your questions in the text area.
    • One ticket per question / problem

    Thank you very much.


    When you upload new buttons for the chat you will need to copy / paste the embed code that belongs to that button on your website (do not forget to remove the old one).

    25.04.2017 0
  • avatar kemamurali

    sorry i will follow the rules form next time 

    you understand my Quesion wrong i think

    when i am chatting with user i send an image file but user click on it he cant see any thing 

    25.04.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    He should see a link in the chat and when he clicks on it it will open in a new window.

    25.04.2017 0
  • avatar kemamurali

    Yes he see link but can't open the image show erorr 404

    25.04.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That means the path is wrong is the image in your file system after uploading? Permissions are set in the folder files?

    25.04.2017 0
  • avatar kemamurali

    where is the folder this image store path ? and folder name 

    26.04.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Good morning,

    The folder is files and inside you have more folders for the operator it is the operator folder.!/installation

    Make sure the file is there if not you might have to change the permissions for the files and the folders inside.

    26.04.2017 0