Support Tickets - WordPress User Bridge Bug

WordPress User Bridge Bug

Live Chat 10.04.2017 2565 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes seustyle

When syncing wordpress user login with Bridge plugin. When the user password in wordpress is changed, the operator Live Chat loses access and does not update the data in synchronization "Nothing to update.". How to solve this?

Replies (5)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your report.

    We have build in the feature that the password is updated on the HelpDesk as well.

    Does the sync work?

    Following hooks we use for the WordPress plugin:

    // Hooks!
    add_action('admin_menu', array('WP_JAKLCBridge', 'addInACP'));
    add_action('password_reset', array('WP_JAKLCBridge', 'userPassReset'), 100, 2);
    add_action('profile_update', array('WP_JAKLCBridge', 'userEditProfile'), 100, 2);
    add_action('wp_logout', array('WP_JAKLCBridge', 'logoutUser'));
    add_action('auth_cookie_valid', array('WP_JAKLCBridge', 'authenticateWPCookie'), 100, 2);
    add_action('admin_bar_menu', array('WP_JAKLCBridge','JAKlc_topnavlink'), 999 );

    Please make sure the place you change the password is connected with the hook password_reset or profile_update.

    10.04.2017 10
  • avatar seustyle

    I use woocommerce, the password will be changed by the front-end the user. Is there an example of this hook for this need? I found the filter 'woocomerce_new_customer_data' I'm not familiar. Give me an example application, my function.php will get this hook?

    10.04.2017 10
  • avatar seustyle

    This sync solution that cleverly below works when the password is changed in the wordpress backend, I leave it here for whoever needs it. But I could not solve my need, my operators changed the login, password recovery, and password data by the front end of woocommerce. In this case it does not sync, if someone can help me.

    // Hooks for Online Service Synchronization

    add_filter ('profile_update', 'custom_update_jaklcbridge', 10, 2);

    function custom_update_jaklcbridge() {

    add_action('admin_menu', array('WP_JAKLCBridge', 'addInACP'));
    add_action('password_reset', array('WP_JAKLCBridge', 'userPassReset'), 100, 2);
    add_action('profile_update', array('WP_JAKLCBridge', 'userEditProfile'), 100, 2);
    add_action('wp_logout', array('WP_JAKLCBridge', 'logoutUser'));
    add_action('auth_cookie_valid', array('WP_JAKLCBridge', 'authenticateWPCookie'), 100, 2);
    add_action('admin_bar_menu', array('WP_JAKLCBridge','JAKlc_topnavlink'), 999 );


    11.04.2017 2
  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    that is correct the Bridge works perfectly with the WP standard configuration and hooks if a plugin uses his own method it probably won't change. We cannot cover all the plugins specially when they not follow the guidelines from WordPress.

    For that cases we will include a cron job file soon that can be run every certain time to sync users.

    Thank you

    11.04.2017 1
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your patience.

    You can download the cron job file here: Freebies updated

    Please read the blog article carefully.

    11.04.2017 1