Support Tickets - News modification

News modification

CMS 14.03.2017 3261 Bug Report Status: Closed Solution: Yes pidow

When i create a news i have no error.
But if i try to update it i have this error:

It's strange because news was update correctly !

MySQL Error:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'END WHERE id IN ()' at line 3

In log: 

PHP Warning:  array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/site/www/admin/news.php on line 541 PHP Warning:

Replies (10)

  • avatar Jerome

    Can you please tell me your PHP version?

    Thank you

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar pidow

    Server Specification

    Web ServerApache v2.4.10
    PHP Max Upload Size20MB
    PHP Memory Limit128MB
    MySQL Version5.5.54
    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That is strange indeed I have tried under 5.6.28 and it shows no errors.

    We have tested the software all the way up to 7.1.0 and it works fine. We have added news, edited news, deleted news, changed position no errors occured.

    Please check your server error log file for more information.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar pidow

    i only have this in log error file:

    PHP Warning:  array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/site/www/admin/news.php on line 541, referer: admin/index.php?p=news&sp=edit&ssp=10&sssp=sPHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/site/www/admin/news.php on line 543, referer: admin/index.php?p=news&sp=edit&ssp=10&sssp=s
    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please send me super administration and ftp login details via following form:

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar pidow

    Sorry not possible, only use Sftp, and it was filter base on IP :/

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please update to 2.3.2 and try again.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar pidow
    [Tue Mar 14 17:13:23.098921 2017] [:error]PHP Warning:  implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /var/site/www/admin/news.php on line 540, referer: /admin/index.php?p=news&sp=edit&ssp=8[Tue Mar 14 17:13:23.099027 2017] [:error]PHP Warning:  array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/site/www/admin/news.php on line 541, referer: /admin/index.php?p=news&sp=edit&ssp=8[Tue Mar 14 17:13:23.099061 2017] [:error]PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/site/www/admin/news.php on line 543, referer: /admin/index.php?p=news&sp=edit&ssp=8[Tue Mar 14 17:13:27.100570 2017] [:error]PHP Warning:  implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /var/site/www/admin/news.php on line 540, referer: /admin/index.php?p=news&sp=edit&ssp=8[Tue Mar 14 17:13:27.100646 2017] [:error]PHP Warning:  array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/site/www/admin/news.php on line 541, referer: /admin/index.php?p=news&sp=edit&ssp=8[Tue Mar 14 17:13:27.100676 2017] [:error]PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/site/www/admin/news.php on line 543, referer: /admin/index.php?p=news&sp=edit&ssp=8

    It's strange i'm alone to have the issue ?

    Thx for your support

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Looks like it, without having access to your server I can't really help you.

    Please give me at least super admin access via following form:

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Sadly, no answer and feedback on this ticket.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    20.03.2017 0