Support Tickets - 2.3.1 ADMIN

2.3.1 ADMIN

CMS 14.03.2017 2107 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes sponzo

After update from 2.3 to 2.3.1 can't access admin panel always redirect to homepage!

Replies (26)

  • avatar Jerome

    Yes, we are working on a fix for that.

    You will need to login to your database via phpmyadmin and change for your user the usergroupid back to 3.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    Below header not working!

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Do you have any error message or can you please be more specific. Thank you.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    No error message, below header plugin not display content, when i upload below header plugin from 2.3 it works, but below plugin from 2.3.1 not working.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That means your database has not been updated correctly.

    We run 2.3.1 and pretty much all pages are based the below header plugin without a problem.

    Please send me database, admin and ftp access to your website via following form:

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    Info's delivered! :)

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    The account you have created for me does not have any access in the administration panel. Please make sure my account has super admin access:

    The vespacp cannot be loaded with the url you have sent me. Thank you for checking again.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    Fixed Super administrator, db info is in admin panel TO DO List. Check there.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Updated your installation manually.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    Ok, where is the problem?

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome
    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    For add category tickets i get this error: No direct file access!


    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I think it is the same as mentioned here:

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    No page, only redirect to support page.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    What do you mean by "No Page"?

    When CMS gives you a message like this: No direct file access! Then the file does not exist or the permission/owner is wrong for that file.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    This url:
    Redirects ony to Support page, no ticket content. That i mean.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Check now please.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    Check every file is here, and owner permision is here. But same error.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Now just to let you know your license does not include support.

    I will check your installation, please send me FTP and full admin access not like what I have now, should it be wrong permission or wrong ownership you will need to purchase support access as this goes almost into an installation service.

    Please use following form:

    Thank you for your understanding.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    Detail are sended.
    Everything works in 2.3 after update cms is little buggy

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    All your files and folders permissions are set to 777 that is a huge security risk.

    All files should have 644, all folders should have 755, except the _files folder as stated in the manual.

    We had one bug in the auto updater update.php file that has been fixed the rest works we use it daily on our and customers websites.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    Ok, is there fix for No direct file access!? for Ticket plugin?

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    The fix is to change the permissions.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo

    Permissions changed but error is here.

    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar sponzo


    14.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please download the package here: and replace following file:

    • plugins/ticketing/admin/s_ticket.php

    We will release 2.3.2 soon.

    14.03.2017 0